Thursday, August 29, 2013

Short Course on Sustainability and Home Energy Assessment Begins Sept. 5

Are you interested in making your home more energy efficient? A short course at Cañada College that begins Sept. 5 can help you do just that.

INTD 401, Sustainability and Home Energy Assessment teaches students how to use diagnostic tools including an infrared camera, blower door device, and moisture meters to perform energy assessments in existing residential structures. The course also explores marketing strategies for energy efficient homes.

The class begins Sept. 5 and runs through Oct. 24. It meets on Thursdays from 3:10 to 5:50 pm.
The course is taught by Elsa Torres, a professional designer who has created a series of courses at Cañada that focus on green design and sustainability in interior design.

“Understanding how to design the interiors of homes and offices to make them healthier and more energy efficient is not a trend,” she said. “This is the way we are going to live moving forward. Local governments have adopted regulations that require builders and designers to create healthier work and home environments. Our goal is to prepare students to succeed in this new reality.”
For more information, visit the green design program on the web or call (650) 306-3320.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Cañada to host Convocation Ceremony Aug. 28

Dean David Johnson (left) leads last year's ceremony.
Cañada College will host its annual Convocation Ceremony on Wednesday, Aug. 28 at 12:30 p.m. in the Main Theater. The ceremony began last year as a way to welcome students to the college.  

"The Cañada convocation is a gathering of faculty, staff, students and community members to celebrate and prepare for the academic year," said David Johnson, Dean of the Humanities and Social Sciences Division. "This event underscores our commitment to academic excellence and highlights the opportunities and resources Cañada affords to every student."

The short program will be highlighted by Johnson’s welcome to students and a description of what they can expect this semester. Redwood City Mayor Alicia Aguirre (also a faculty member at the college), Academic Senate President Doug Hirzel, and Associated Students of Cañada College President Alaa Aissi will also offer welcoming remarks. A reception with light refreshments will follow the formal ceremony.

Johnson said bringing together students, staff, faculty and the community at one event to kick-off the new academic year helps formally welcome students to the company of scholars. "It affirms the responsibility we have to educate and prepare our students and makes clear the expectations we have of them," he said.

This will be new Cañada College President Larry Buckley's first convocation ceremony at the college. "I’m proud to be a part of this tradition that brings together our students, faculty, staff, and the community," he said.

The ceremony is open to everyone. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Maggie Souza at or call (650) 306-3238.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cañada Course Designed for Green Entrepreneurs

Chris Yalonis
Cañada College is offering a course this semester designed for entrepreneurs – students, business people, leaders – who want to start their own business or grow an existing one.

Business 393: Green Entrepreneurship: Starting and Growing a Sustainable Business, will be taught by Chris Yalonis, a 25-year veteran of eight start-ups. The three-unit course will be held Monday nights from 6 to 9 p.m. beginning Monday, Aug. 19. To enroll in the course, go to
The course is designed to help budding entrepreneurs learn how to improve marketing and sales plus attract investors and a high-performing team. Students will learn to embed sustainable practices and principles into their organization to cut costs and improve revenues. It will also help community leaders, policy makers, incubator staffs, and economic development leaders who want to promote sustainability in their communities.

For more information, visit the Cañada College Center for Entrepreneurial Opportunities or call (650) 306-3160 or email

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

State Chancellor Brice Harris Opening Day Speaker

Dr. Brice W. Harris, Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, will speak at Cañada on Thursday, Aug. 15 as part of the San Mateo County Community College District's Opening Day activities.

Dr. Brice Harris
The topic of Harris’ presentation will be “Restoring Access and Improving Student Success:
The Dual Opportunities of California Community Colleges.”
Harris has spent much of his career working to improve student success and access at community colleges. 

Harris has served as chancellor since 2012. Prior to being selected as the leader of the largest system of higher education in the nation, Harris served 16 years as chancellor of the Los Rios Community College District in the Sacramento region, president of Fresno City College and a faculty member and vice chancellor in the Kansas City, Mo., community college system.

While with Los Rios, he was instrumental in leading initiatives that improved student success. He also led the charge to expand access for thousands of students by overseeing the establishment of the district’s fourth college, Folsom Lake, and developing educational centers in Davis, Elk Grove, Natomas, Rancho Cordova and West Sacramento.

The district's Opening Day activities begin with a continental breakfast at 8:30 a.m. in the Main Theater followed by a formal program from 9:15 to 11 a.m. that will include Harris' keynote address. A luncheon will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the upper quad.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Are you new to Cañada? Here's some simple advice

So, you are preparing for your first day of the new semester and you want it to go as smooth as possible. We're here to help. If you take a few simple steps, and do a little planning, you'll have no problems. Let's get started.
  • Arrive Early - If you pull onto campus 10 minutes before class starts you're off to a bad start. Parking on a college campus is never easy. Give yourself at least 20 minutes. Remember, you're not going to have Rock Star parking next to your class. Be sure to review the parking map and have a contingency plan if the lot you want to park in is full. Student Lots are Lot 1, 7, 8, 10 and 6. Do not park in staff lots without the appropriate permit or you are sure to get a ticket. You'll need to buy a parking permit but campus security will not issue tickets in student lots through the first two weeks of the semester.
  • Know Where You Are Going - Because you have a plan, you'll have a great parking spot. But how do you get to your classes? Luckily, the Cañada campus is not that big. Review the campus map and your schedule of classes. Buildings at Cañada are numbered and each room in the building has its own number. On your schedule the class location will look like this - 3-113. The first number (3) is the building number and the second number (113) is the classroom within the building. If you can't find a class, ask one of the Campus Ambassadors. You can find them in the information booths on the quad or at the entrance to the Library off Parking Lot 1. You can also find help at the Welcome Center on the first floor of Building 9.
  • Get to Know Building 9 - All essential student services are located in this three-story building. On the first floor you'll find Admissions/Records, Counseling, Financial Aid, Public Safety/Parking, EOPS/CARE/CalWorks, and more. The Learning Center is on the second floor. Here you can use the computers, work with academic tutors, and study in groups. The Library is located on the top floor. Make a point to visit this building on your first day of class.
  • The Bookstore - It's college, so you're going to need books. Because you are a college student, you'll also need a soda, bag of chips and candy bar. You can get them all at the bookstore. It's located across from the Main Theater and Gymnasium. The first couple of weeks, the lines are long because everyone is buying books. If you can go in the mid-afternoon, the lines are shorter.
  • The Pony Espresso - Ok, it's not essential to know where the coffee shop is located, but you never know when you'll need a cup. The coffee kiosk is located in the Upper Quad near the entrance of Building 13. It's a favorite hangout for students and if you stand around long enough you'll probably find somebody you know.
  • The Grove – This is the new Student Center at Cañada. It’s a great place to meet friends, study, and grab a bite to eat. The new Career Center is located in the Grove and the friendly staff can help you write a resume, prepare for a job interview, and search for jobs. There is also a spot in the Grove to just chill and play video games.
  • Smoke-Free Campus - If you want to smoke you'll have to do it in designated parking lots because Cañada is a smoke-free campus. Feel free to light up in Lots 1, 7, 6, 8, 10 & 5. But, as a courtesy to staff, faculty, and students who don't smoke, please refrain from smoking on the rest of campus.
  • Go to Class - This seems like a no-brainer, right? Well, every semester, there are students that don't show up for class. Because classes are crowded, if you don't show up, you could be dropped from the class. If you are on a wait list to get into a full class, it's even more important to show up on the first day to talk to the professor and see if you can add the class.

Hopefully this guide can help you survive your first day of the new semester. Remember, if you have any questions ask somebody. You'll be surprised at how helpful the staff, faculty and your fellow students can be.

Two Cañada Students Earn Chicana/Latina Foundation Scholarship

Cañada College students Adriana Fernandez and Rita Melgar have received the Chicana/Latina Foundation Scholarship.

Adriana Fernandez
The Chicana/Latina Foundation is based in Burlingame. Each year, the organization awards merit-based, $1,500 scholarships. This year, 31 deserving students received the one-year scholarships. All recipients will attend a leadership retreat and be honored at a special gala on Sept. 20.

“I heard about the scholarship last year from Xochitl Rios, a Cañada graduate,” said Fernandez. “I applied and was interviewed but didn’t receive a scholarship. I was disappointed in myself but it motivated me to work harder.”

This year, Fernandez improved her GPA and worked with Melissa Ibarra, a retention specialist in Cañada’s STEM Center, on her interview skills. “The preparation made a big difference,” she said.

Melgar was encouraged to apply for the scholarship by Ibarra and Cathy Lipe, director of the STEM Center. “I applied and was selected to participate in the Cisco-MESA Mentorship Program last year so they suggested I apply for this scholarship,” she said.

Melgar graduated from high school in El Salvador and moved to the United States in 2007. She works as a math tutor in Cañada’s Learning Center. She credits Cañada Professor Po Tong for igniting her passion for math and teaching.

Rita Melgar
“He was my Math 120 teacher and he recommended that I tutor math in the Learning Center,” she said. “He is the reason I found my passion not just in math but also in teaching. He’s why I am pursuing a double major.”

Fernandez has been involved in undergraduate research at Cañada, analyzing nitrate levels in San Mateo County farm fields. “It was really cool and interesting to see the levels of nitrates in the soil and realize that our research was helping local farmers,” she said.

Fernandez plans to transfer to UC Davis to study environmental science while Melgar will attend San Jose State and study computer science and mathematics.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Word Jam Continues to Grow at Cañada College

Students are flocking to Word Jam at Cañada College. Now in its third Fall session, the program has grown from 35 students to more than 60.

The free, non-credit, one week program helps students develop reading and writing strategies to succeed in college. It is targeted to English as a Second Language learners and students in pre-transfer level English and Reading. It is being held all this week from 9 am to noon in the school’s library.

“I’m hoping we can offer an evening session of Word Jam in the future,” said program coordinator Julie Wilson, a resident of East Palo Alto. “Many, many students who I’ve talked with express an interest in attending, but the morning schedule is a challenge for them.”

As part of the program, students learn the expectations of their specific English, Reading, or ESL course, become familiar with Cañada College resources, and practice college-level reading and writing strategies. More than 70 percent of the students entering Cañada test at remedial levels in reading and writing and are not academically prepared for transfer-level coursework.
To participate in the program, students must be registered in the San Mateo County Community College District and enrolled in any English, Reading, or ESL course.

The program is funded by Measure G, a $34-per-year parcel tax that provides vital funding for San Mateo County’s three community colleges – College of San Mateo, Skyline College and Cañada College.

Best Practices and Resources in Support of our Muslim Students and Colleagues

Dear Cañada Community, As we approach Ramadan, the Office of Equity and Cultural Center have prepared a series of best practices for you to ...