Wednesday, August 31, 2016

STEM Center Represented at 123rd ASEE National Conference in New Orleans

Cañada College was represented by STEM Center faculty, staff, and students at the 123rd ASEE National Conference in New Orleans on June 26-29. The STEM Center team consisted, of Amelito Enriquez, Denise Hum, Nick Langhoff, Anna Camacho, Courtney Hadsell and Tracy Huang, presented a total of seven separate papers that highlight STEM Center programs. 

Below is a list of the papers that were presented at the conference and will be published as part of the conference proceedings:

  • Student Characteristics and Academic Variables Associated with STEM Transfer Students from Community Colleges
  • Measuring the Effectiveness of an Intensive Math Preparation Program to Enhance the Success of Underrepresented Students in Engineering
  • Physics Jam, a Physics Preparation Program to Increase Student Performance and Success in Introductory Physics Courses
  • Developing a Comprehensive Online Transfer Engineering Curriculum: Assessing the Effectiveness of an Online Engineering Graphics Course
  • Developing Resources to Support Comprehensive Transfer Engineering Curricula: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Hybrid Materials Science Course
  • Toward a Comprehensive Online Transfer Engineering Curriculum: Assessing the Effectiveness of an Online Engineering Circuits Laboratory Course
  • Developing a Comprehensive Online Transfer Engineering Curriculum: Designing an Online Introduction to Engineering Course

The conference was attended by close to 5,000 participants, with more than 300 technical sessions and 1,600 published papers. Amelito Enriquez was also elected the Chair and Nick Langhoff the Secretary/Treasurer of the ASEE Two-Year College Division for the next two years. Two teams of Cañada Engineering Design Club students also participated in the ASEE Two-Year College Division Design Competition. The Robotics Team consisted of students: Andrea Chlarson, Chen Wang, Ryan Carroll, Ricardo Carretero, Jessica Carrasquilla, Victor Melara, Juan Casildo, Jesus Cabello and Timmothy Enbom. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Campus Safety Open Forums

Dear Campus Community,

On behalf of the Public Safety Services Study Committee, I am writing to request your participation in the upcoming Campus Safety Open Forums being held September 13-16, 2016. These public forums are a significant opportunity for you to reflect upon critical needs of our campus and offer valuable input before recommendations are made to the Board of Trustees.

We expect these discussions to be honest, informative and insightful as we examine best practices and our current and future capabilities to protect our campus community and ensure public safety.  

These forums will be most successful if we hear from a broad cross-section of our campus community and surrounding neighbors. Therefore, we have scheduled many sessions in the hopes that you will attend and actively participate. The schedule for Cañada College is as follows,

Tuesday, Sept. 13 - All forums held in Building 6-102:

8:30 a.m. - Staff Forum

10:30 a.m. - Faculty Forum

12:30 p.m. - All Employees: Faculty, Staff & Administrators

3:30 p.m. - Student Forum

5:30 p.m. - Everyone: All Employees, Students & Community

Please check the website for locations and schedule updates. In the event that you absolutely cannot make a forum, please take the time to complete a confidential survey, available at:  For those who don’t seek confidentiality, we hope these conversations will continue through the use of #SMCCCD #Forums16.

This process is part of our firm commitment to provide the best possible services we can to our students and other members of the SMCCCD community. We hope to see you soon, at one of the Campus Safety Open Forums.


Jamillah Moore, Ed.D.


What's Happening at Cañada: Week of August 29, 2016

Week of August 29, 2016

August 30:

 DREAM Center Grand Opening

 Building 9, Room 154

11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m.

Please join us in celebrating the Grand Opening of the DREAM Center! Enjoy refreshments, networking and prizes. The DREAM Center will be a resource and safe place for undocumented students and allies.

Cañada Men’s Soccer vs Lake Tahoe Community College

 Cañada College Soccer Field

1 p.m.

 Cheer on the Colts as they take on Lake Tahoe Community College!


Cañada Women’s Soccer vs American River College

Cañada College

4 p.m.

Cheer on the Colts as they take on American River College!


UC Applications

Building 16, Room 110

2 p.m.-3 p.m.

These workshops will guide you to complete UC Admission application, including UC Admission policies, and how to report your coursework.

August 31:

University Visit: Grand Canyon University

The Grove

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Come meet representatives from Grand Canyon University.

Transfer Agreement Guarantee

Building 9, Room 106

2 p.m.-3 p.m.

These workshops will inform you of the UC TAG requirements and assist you with UC TAG application. *will be presented by UC Santa Cruz


September 1:

Cañada Women’s Volleyball vs College of the Siskyous

Cañada College Gym

6:30 p.m.

Cheer on the Colts as they take on College of the Siskyous!

September 2:

Cañada Women’s Volleyball vs Hartnell College

Cañada College Gym

5:30 p.m.

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Hartnell College!

September 6:

STEM Welcome Day

The STEM Center (Building 9, Second Floor)

10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Come by the STEM Center to learn about all of the resources and opportunities for STEM students.   Bring friends who are interested in Science, Engineering, Math or Computer Science.  There will be info throughout the Learning Center and there will be prizes, demos, info and of course food!  

September 7:

Internship Fair

The Grove

11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Students can connect with companies to learn about opportunities outside the classroom. Whether students need experience for their major, or would just like to "try on" positions to help decide on a major, attend this event. To see a list of attending employers click here. Check back often as the list of employers grows weekly.

Cañada Women’s Soccer vs Marin

Cañada College

4 p.m.

Cheer on the Colts as they take on College of Marin!


UC Applications

Building 16, Room 110

2 -3 p.m.

These workshops will guide you to complete UC Admission application, including UC Admission policies, and how to report your coursework.



Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Cañada College campus wide power outage

Tonight at 7:41 pm there was a power outage affecting our entire campus, parking lots and Cañada Vista. PG&E anticipates power restoration by 10:30 pm tonight. 

For safety reasons, we are closing the campus immediately and will reopen in the morning. Public Safety officers are on campus to assist anyone that may need help getting to their vehicles.

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of August 22, 2016

Week of August 22, 2016

 August 23

 Business & Accounting Information Session

 Building 9, Room 154
1-2 p.m.
Attend a free one-hour information session about the benefits of an Accounting/Business degree. Current students, as well as community members, are encouraged to attend.  Register to attend here.

Cañada Women’s Soccer vs Cabrillo College

Cañada College

4 p.m.

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Cabrillo College!

August 24:

Recruitment Wednesday’s at the Career Center

The Grove

Every Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Throughout each semester, many businesses come on campus to recruit for open positions. Check the Career Center’s website under Recruitment Wednesdays for the calendar of who is coming. The calendar is updated throughout the semester as employers sign up so check often!  

Cañada Men’s Soccer vs Force Academy

Cañada College Soccer Field

5 p.m.

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Force Academy in a scrimmage match!

August 25:

Transfer Agreement Guarantee (TAG) Workshop

Building 9, Room 106

1-2 p.m.

Learn about UC TAG applications and requirements and get assistance with your UC TAG application.

August 30:

DREAM Center Grand Opening

Building 9, Room 154

11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m.

Please join us in celebrating the Grand Opening of the DREAM Center! Enjoy refreshments, networking and prizes. The DREAM Center will be a resource and safe place for undocumented students and allies.

Cañada Men’s Soccer vs Lake Tahoe Community College
Cañada College Soccer Field

1 p.m.

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Lake Tahoe Community College!

Cañada Women’s Soccer vs American River College

Cañada College

4 p.m.

Cheer on the Colts as they take on American River College!

August 31:

University Visit

The Grove

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Come meet representatives from Grand Canyon University.

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of August 22, 2016

Week of August 22, 2016

 August 23

 Business & Accounting Information Session

 Building 9, Room 154

1-2 p.m.

Attend a free one-hour information session about the benefits of an Accounting/Business degree. Current students, as well as community members, are encouraged to attend.  Register to attend here.

Cañada Women’s Soccer vs Cabrillo College

Cañada College

4 p.m.

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Cabrillo College!

August 24:

Recruitment Wednesday’s at the Career Center

The Grove

Every Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Throughout each semester, many businesses come on campus to recruit for open positions. Check the Career Center’s website under Recruitment Wednesdays for the calendar of who is coming. The calendar is updated throughout the semester as employers sign up so check often!  

Cañada Men’s Soccer vs Force Academy

Cañada College Soccer Field

5 p.m.

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Force Academy in a scrimmage match!

August 25:

Transfer Agreement Guarantee (TAG) Workshop

Building 9, Room 106

1-2 p.m.

Learn about UC TAG applications and requirements and get assistance with your UC TAG application.

August 30:

DREAM Center Grand Opening

Building 9, Room 154

11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m.

Please join us in celebrating the Grand Opening of the DREAM Center! Enjoy refreshments, networking and prizes. The DREAM Center will be a resource and safe place for undocumented students and allies.

Cañada Men’s Soccer vs Lake Tahoe Community College
Cañada College Soccer Field

1 p.m.

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Lake Tahoe Community College!

Cañada Women’s Soccer vs American River College

Cañada College

4 p.m.

Cheer on the Colts as they take on American River College!

August 31:

University Visit

The Grove

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Come meet representatives from Grand Canyon University.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

ACCEL Transition Coordinator Hired

On June 27, 2016, Canada College welcomed Caroline Ouyang as ACCEL Transition Coordinator.  A newly created position, the coordinator promotes collaboration with various stakeholders on and off campus to better support students as they transition to campus programs from adult schools along the peninsula, including Sequoia Adult School in Menlo Park and La Costa Adult School in Half Moon Bay and Pescadero. 

Prior to joining Canada College, Caroline worked at San Jose State University as an ESL faculty and most recently oversaw the conditional admissions process, recruited internationally, and advised undergraduate and graduate degree-bound students.  Asked to comment on her new position, Caroline expressed, “It’s very exciting to be able to help students find a path that improves their long-term goals!  I taught for many years and always enjoyed watching students grow in the classroom, so being in a capacity that impacts them beyond acquiring English skills is going to be very gratifying work.” 

Caroline completed her bachelor and master degrees at University of California, Los Angeles, and San Francisco State University and worked as a teacher and pedagogical trainer in Korea, Oman and Tajikistan.  After having spent over a decade in the field of international education, Caroline is looking forward to shifting her focus to immigrant education and serving the local community.

ACCEL Student Support Update

While the summer is traditionally a slow period at Canada, ACCEL has been busy collaborating with faculty and staff to identify new ways to support students on and off campus.  Current projects in development include preparing a welcoming space on Floor 2 of Building 9 to house the Dream Center, slated to open in Fall 2016, that will provide immigrant students with college and community resources.  Due to the success of the Math Jam, Physics Jam and Word Jam, a new jam program dedicated to Career Skills is currently being drafted by the Business, Design and Workforce Division with the support of ACCEL.  Tentatively, a pilot version will be offered on-campus in October 2016 with the goal of bringing it to Menlo Park in the future to strengthen community outreach.  Speaking of which, ACCEL will be meeting with several partners at Puente de la Costa Sur in Pescadero later this month to explore how Canada can promote our programs and services to the local populations along the coast.

Best Practices and Resources in Support of our Muslim Students and Colleagues

Dear Cañada Community, As we approach Ramadan, the Office of Equity and Cultural Center have prepared a series of best practices for you to ...