Thursday, September 26, 2019

Accreditation Team Visit Events

Dear Campus Community,

As the College prepares for its Accreditation visit the campus community is invited to attend three campus wide Accreditation events. We appreciate your support in providing a warm welcome to our Accreditation Team!

Welcome and Introductions to the Visiting Team
Monday, September 30, 10-11 a.m. in Building 8

Open Forum with the Visiting Team Chair, Dr. Flamer
Wednesday, October 2, 10-11 a.m. and 1-2 p.m. in Building 6, Room 101/102

Visiting Team Exit Report
Thursday, October 3,  1-2 p.m. in Building 6, Room 101/102

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What's Happening at Canada: Week of September 23 , 2019

Week of September 23 , 2019

September 25

90’s Club Rush

9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Upper Lawn

Get your rad 90’s gear on and celebrate Club Rush with Student Senate and Inter Club Council by meeting all the clubs on campus! Need your student body card updated? We can get your card updated at this event; first 100 who bring their Cañada Fall 2019 Student Body Card receive a free meal and free COLT-IVATE t-shirt.

Cañada Men’s Soccer vs Clovis College

4 p.m.
Cañada College Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Clovis College!

STEM Speaker Series

5-6 p.m.
Building 6, Room 101/102

Attend the weekly STEM Speaker Series. This week, the featured speaker is Cristina Olea, San Francisco Public Works Project Manager for the City & County of San Francisco. Cristina will speak about how careers in STEM help improvers safety an mobility for cities.

September 28

Artistry in Fashion

10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 
Main Theatre

The 30th annual Artistry in Fashion event, hosted by the Cañada College Fashion Department, features an outdoor shopping extravaganza with local designers selling clothes, jewelry, and accessories.  A $10 donation is requested for entry.  All proceeds benefit the fashion student scholarship fund.  For more information, visit or call 650-306-3370.

September 30

Welcome and Introductions to the Visiting Accreditation Team

10-11 a.m.
Building 8 Lobby

As the College prepares for its Accreditation visit the campus community is invited to attend campus wide Accreditation events. We appreciate your support in providing a warm welcome to our Accreditation Team! 

October 2

Open Forum with the Visiting Team Chair, Dr. Flamer

10-11 a.m. & 1-2 p.m.
Building 6, Room 101/102

As the College prepares for its Accreditation visit the campus community is invited to attend campus wide Accreditation events. We appreciate your support in providing a warm welcome to our Accreditation Team! 

Fall Job Fair

11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The Grove
Connect with 60 employers who are hiring! Get your resume created and get hired for that full-time or part-time position. See a list of attending employers here.

STEM Speaker Series

5-6 p.m.
Building 6, Room 101/102

Featured speaker is Byron Becker, Software Engineer at Kidaptive. A Bay Area native, Byron went to the College of San Mateo and several other community colleges in San Diego before transferring to the University of Colorado Boulder and graduating in 2018. His path to and through college was anything but linear. By the time he graduated college, Byron had worked as a jazz musician, line cook, cheese maker, professional baseball umpire, on top of changing majors. He is currently a Full Stack Software Engineer at Kidaptive, an education technology company that aims to personalize education by using AI to make student learning experiences adaptive and more engaging.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of September 16, 2019

September 17

Cañada College Blood Drive

10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Near Parking Lot 4 & Bookstore

Save a life and donate blood! All donors will receive a free Oakland A’s or SF Giant’s t-shirt as well as a pair (2) of tickets to an upcoming SF Giant’s baseball game! Sign up here:

September 18

Constitution Day

9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Upper Lawn

Learn about the constitution as well as local legislation and leaders. Need your student body card updated? We can get your card updated at this event; first 100 who bring their Cañada Fall 2019 Student Body Card get a free meal.

STEM Speaker Series

5-6 p.m.
Building 6, Room 101/102

Attend the weekly STEM Speaker Series. This week’s featured speaker is Sean Vidal Edgerton, Science Illustrator & Microbiologist at the California Academy of Science. Sean will speak about of Whales, Flora and Viruses: Exploring Nature Through Observation, Creativity & Art.

September 19

Study Abroad and Global Internship Info Session

12- 1:30 p.m.
Building 2, Room 10

Global Internships: RSVP HERE
Study Abroad: RSVP HERE
Semester in Florence RSVP HERE

Come learn about all of the Global Internships and Study Abroad Programs offered through SMCCCD: opportunities to study or intern during spring or summer session, or to transfer abroad to complete your degree! Earn college credit while you explore a new place and immerse yourself in a new culture. Programs for 2020 will include South Africa, Spain, Italy, Hong Kong, Ireland, Czech Republic, France, Chile, England, Japan, South Korea and more!

Campus Forum on Kinesiology and Wellness Building 

2:30 p.m.
Building 6, Room 101/102

All Cañada College faculty, staff and students are invited to attend a briefing and conversation about Building 1, our new Kinesiology and Wellness Building.  Interim Chancellor Claire, Vice Chancellor Nuñez and Vice Chancellor Bauer will also be in attendance.  Light refreshments will be provided.

Cañada Men’s Soccer vs Fullerton College

4 p.m.
Cañada College Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Fullerton College!

September 21

Cañada Men’s Soccer vs Feather River College

2 p.m.
Cañada College Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Feather River College!

September 25

90’s Club Rush

9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Upper Lawn

Get your rad 90’s gear on and celebrate Club Rush with Student Senate and Inter Club Council by meeting all the clubs on campus! Need your student body card updated? We can get your card updated at this event; first 100 who bring their Cañada Fall 2019 Student Body Card receive a free meal and free COLT-IVATE t-shirt.

Cañada Men’s Soccer vs Clovis College

4 p.m.
Cañada College Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Clovis College!

STEM Speaker Series

5-6 p.m.
Building 6, Room 101/102

Attend the weekly STEM Speaker Series. This week, the featured speaker is Cristina Olea, San Francisco Public Works Project Manager for the City & County of San Francisco. Cristina will speak about how careers in STEM help improvers safety an mobility for cities.

September 28

Artistry in Fashion

10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 
Main Theatre

The 30th annual Artistry in Fashion event, hosted by the Cañada College Fashion Department, features an outdoor shopping extravaganza with local designers selling clothes, jewelry, and accessories.  A $10 donation is requested for entry.  All proceeds benefit the fashion student scholarship fund.  For more information, visit or call 650-306-3370.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of September 9, 2019

Week of September 9, 2019

September 10

¡ESO! Adelante Welcome Event

11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Upper Lawn

The ¡ESO! Adelante team invites all new and continuing mentees to join their mentors for an afternoon of games on the lawn! All students are welcome to participate and celebrate the start of a new school year. The ¡ESO! Adelante program supports Latinx, high-need, high-potential, low-resource students in their transfer pathway to San Francisco State University (SFSU) through transfer support programs at Cañada College and SFSU.

20th Annual Animation Show of Shows

7 p.m.
Main Theatre

The Digital Art & Animation Department will be presenting a screening of the 20th annual Animation Show of Shows. Curated by Ron Diamond of Acme Filmworks, the Show of Shows presents a collection of animated shorts from around the world, selected from the most prestigious animation festivals. Admission is free, and the Digital Art & Animation Department is suggesting a voluntary donation of $5 per person to benefit the department's student scholarship fund. Contact Paul Naas ( with any questions about the show.

September 11

Bridge to Opportunities Peer Mentorship Faculty/Staff Panel

12:30-1:30 p.m.
Building 9, Second Floor (Learning Lab in Learning Center)

Bridge to Opportunities Peer Mentorship Program is hosting another faculty/staff panel for students to discuss best practices for studying/homework, receiving tutoring support, and preparing for exams

STEM Speaker Series

5-6 p.m.
Building 6, Room 101/102

Attend the weekly STEM Speaker Series. This week, the speaker series kicks off with a Women in Tech panel.

September 11-19

Campus MovieFest
Sept. 11-17: Information & Filming
Sept 18: Student Film Festival
Make a movie in a week! Every student is invited to create a film, having the chance for incredible prizes from camera equipment, to awards at the Cannes Film Festival in France! For questions, contact

September 12

Cañada Men’s Soccer vs Fresno City College
4 p.m.
Cañada College Soccer Field
Cheer on the Colts as they take on Fresno City College!

September 18

Constitution Day
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Upper Lawn
Learn about the constitution as well as local legislation and leaders. Need your student body card updated? We can get your card updated at this event; first 100 who bring their Cañada Fall 2019 Student Body Card get a free meal.

STEM Speaker Series

5-6 p.m.
Building 6, Room 101/102

Attend the weekly STEM Speaker Series. This week’s featured speaker is Sean Vidal Edgerton, Science Illustrator & Microbiologist at the California Academy of Science. Sean will speak about of Whales, Flora and Viruses: Exploring Nature Through Observation, Creativity & Art.

Cañada College Opens New Science & Technology Building

Pictured from left to right: San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD) Acting Chancellor, Michael Claire; SMCCCD Member of the Board of Trustees, Richard Holober; SMCCCD Board Vice President – Clerk Karen Schwarz; Cañada College President, Dr. Jamillah Moore; SMCCCD Board President Maurice Goodman, SMCCCD Member of the Board of Trustees, Tom Nuris and Vice Chancellor of Facilities Planning, Maintenance, & Operations, José Nuñez. Photo by Scott Buschman.

REDWOOD CITY, CALIF. (August 14, 2019) – Just in time for the beginning of the academic year, Cañada College celebrated the opening of its new Science & Technology Building with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Monday, August 12.

The new Science & Technology Building is a three-story, 50,000 square feet learning structure, which provides a world-class instructional facility for mathematics, lab sciences and technology and features modern, flexible classrooms, laboratories and faculty offices for STEM education. Supporting the philosophy that learning happens everywhere, the new facility features an indoor/outdoor “learning commons” with an enhanced plaza, creating a functional outdoor gathering space for the campus community. In addition, the Science & Technology Building is LEED Platinum certified and Net Zero Energy-ready to support student academic success and ensuring the longevity of the building for many years to come.

“This state-of-the-art learning environment will allow students to prepare for in-demand careers in science and technology,” said Dr. Jamillah Moore, Cañada College president. “With the addition of this instructional space to our campus, students for years to come will have an opportunity to enhance their education in innovative and dynamic classrooms and laboratories.” The new structure is part of the San Mateo County Community College District’s capital improvement plan funded by voter-approved bonds. 

About Cañada College: For more than 50 years, Cañada College has provided enriching and life-changing educational opportunities for the residents of San Mateo County. With the support and guidance from award-winning faculty and staff, residents can pursue certificates and degrees for career training or to serve as a transfer gateway to four-year colleges and universities. Located in the heart of the Silicon Valley, Cañada College offers hundreds of day, evening, and weekend courses in more than 40 quality instructional programs, including sciences, business, multi-media, medical assisting, the arts, and technical training. The College also provides extensive basic skills training and innovative student support services in counseling, orientation, certificate and degree planning, transfer assistance, and tutoring. Begin your Cañada College experience by visiting

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of September 2, 2019

Week of September 2, 2019

Now Until December 5, 2019
English Pronunciation & Conversation
M, T, W, Th from 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
M, T, W, Th from 6-7 p.m.
Building 9, Room 251C
Practice speaking English in a fun Group! Drop in anytime, no registration is needed. For questions contact

Every Wednesday
Recruitment Wednesdays
Every Wednesday from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Career Center (Building 5, Room 332)
Throughout each semester many businesses come on campus to recruit for open positions. Check the Career Center website under Recruitment Wednesdays for the calendar of who is coming. The calendar will be updated throughout the semester as employers sign up so check often!  

September 3
Cañada Women’s Soccer vs Santa Rosa College
5 p.m.
Cañada College Soccer Field
Cheer on the Colts as they take on Santa Rosa College!

September 8
Cañada Women’s Soccer vs Ventura College
11 a.m.
Cañada College Soccer Field
Cheer on the Colts as they take on Ventura College!

September 10
20th Annual Animation Show of Shows
7 p.m.
Main Theatre
The Digital Art & Animation Department will be presenting a screening of the 20th annual Animation Show of Shows. Curated by Ron Diamond of Acme Filmworks, the Show of Shows presents a collection of animated shorts from around the world, selected from the most prestigious animation festivals. Admission is free, and the Digital Art & Animation Department is suggesting a voluntary donation of $5 per person to benefit the department's student scholarship fund. Contact Paul Naas ( with any questions about the show.

September 11
STEM Speaker Series
5-6 p.m.
Building 6, Room 101/102
Attend the weekly STEM Speaker Series. This week, the speaker series kicks off with a Women in Tech panel.

September 11-19
Campus MovieFest
Sept. 11-17: Information & Filming
Sept 18: Student Film Festival
Make a movie in a week! Every student is invited to create a film, having the chance for incredible prizes from camera equipment, to awards at the Cannes Film Festival in France! For questions, contact

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Best Practices and Resources in Support of our Muslim Students and Colleagues

Dear Cañada Community, As we approach Ramadan, the Office of Equity and Cultural Center have prepared a series of best practices for you to ...