Tuesday, November 24, 2020

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of November 23, 2020

Week of November 23, 2020

Partnership with San Mateo County Health Brings Free Flu Shots to SMCCCD Campuses

In collaboration with District Nurses, San Mateo County Health is offering free flu shots for SMCCCD students, faculty, and staff. If you work or take classes at Cañada College, College of San Mateo, or Skyline College, you can come to any college campus for a free flu shot on the following dates/times:


Wednesday, December 2

Skyline College

1:30 – 4:30 p.m. 

Campus Flu Shot Map

Wednesday, December 9

Cañada College

12 – 3 p.m. 

Campus Flu Shot Map

 Drive-ups and walk-ups are welcome!  No ID or pre-registration required. 

You must wear a facial covering and clothing that provides easy access to your shoulder for a flu shot. 

Do not come to campus if you are sick, tested positive for COVID-19, or have been in close contact with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case in the last 14 days.

Prior to receiving a flu shot you will need to pass a temperature check, COVID-19 symptom and history screening, have no contraindications to the flu vaccine, and provide information to be entered into CAIR (the California immunization registry).

Information at http://covid-19.smccd.edu/flushots

November 26-29

Thanksgiving Holiday – Declared Recess No Classes


December 3

How to Apply for a State Job Virtual Info Sessions

12-1:30 p.m.
Event Registration: https://bit.ly/2UzSA9B

Learn how to make a career and difference by working at the State of California. Working for California means much more than showing up for a job. As an employee, you will be able to work on programs that are vital to the economic growth of our community and state. Presented by California Employment Development Department and SJPL Works.


The More You Know w/ the Peer Mentors

4 -5 p.m.
Event Link: https://tinyurl.com/moreuknow11  

Every week, students can build community with the BTO and STEM Peer Mentors through meaningful, supportive discussions and fun games! Topic: Finals Study Tips & Words of Encouragement.

December 4

Destress Day

12 – 1 p.m.
Event Registration: https://tinyurl.com/ASCCZenGarden

Come celebrate the end of the semester with Student Senate and learn about zen gardens, meditation, and coping strategies as we head into finals. First 50 to attend get their own free mini zen garden!


December 10

How to Apply for a State Job Virtual Info Sessions

10-11:30 a.m.
Event Registration: https://bit.ly/3f9Gg9i

Learn how to make a career and difference by working at the State of California. Working for California means much more than showing up for a job. As an employee, you will be able to work on programs that are vital to the economic growth of our community and state. Presented by California Employment Development Department and SJPL Works.


Therapy Dogs Providing Virtual Snuggles!

12-12:30 p.m.
Event link: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/85423141777

Providing stress relief for college students during finals week at a community college campus at a virtual visit. Volunteers will be wearing their volunteer uniform, and the therapy dogs will either be wearing a therapy dog bandanna or a therapy dog vest. The teams will talk with the students, demonstrate a trick/command their dog can do, and/or share something their dog enjoys doing.


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Cañada College and Skyline College Vice Presidents Earn Top State Award

The Carter Doran Leadership Award is given annually to honor leaders in community college instruction

California Community Colleges Chief Instructional Officers (CCCCIO) has bestowed its top award on two vice presidents from the San Mateo County Community College District. Dr. Tammy Robinson, Vice President of Instruction at Cañada College in Redwood City, and Dr. Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza, Vice President of Instruction at Skyline College in San Bruno, were honored with the statewide Carter Dolan Chief Instructional Officer Leadership Award at CCCCIO’s virtual conference last week.  The award recognizes an active instructional administrator who exemplifies leadership by showing qualities that Carter Doran embodied in his role as teacher/dean at Mt. San Antonio and Vice President of Instruction at Santa Ana and College of the Canyons.


“Dr. Robinson and Dr. Taylor-Mendoza have exemplified courageous leadership and embody the spirit of the Carter Doran Leadership award,” said CCCCIO President Dr. Jennifer Vega La Serna. “They have led with heart, demonstrated creativity, shown sustained commitment to addressing instructional challenges, and together have made a profound impact on their colleges and the entire California Community College System.”


Also honored with the award was Dr. Stacy Thompson, Vice President of Academic Services at Chabot College in Hayward. The three vice presidents worked together in 2020 to lead an examination of equity gaps and structural racism in the California community college system.


“Dr. Robinson and Dr. Taylor-Mendoza are truly exceptional leaders, with vision and strength that have not only facilitated transformation at Cañada College and Skyline College but have also sparked action across the state community college system,” said San Mateo County Community College District Chancellor Michael Claire. “I am so proud of them and their  colleagues statewide for their swift action on behalf of our students.”


Dr. Robinson was cited for rallying her statewide chief instructional officer colleagues to action after the murder of George Floyd earlier this year. She helped to organize state instructional leaders’ Call to Action town halls, and she has been a strong voice for institutional change. She has spoken at a number of statewide events on campus climate, equity and workforce development.


Dr. Robinson, along with Dr. Thompson, created, planned, facilitated and presented at the inaugural African American Leadership Institute. She is past president of the Western Regional Council on Black American Affairs and currently serves as the organization’s Vice President of Development.

Dr. Taylor-Mendoza
serves as the chief instructional officers’ representative to the State Chancellor’s Office Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) implementation workgroup. She is also the chair of the newly created CCCCIO DEI Steering Committee, bringing together seven chief instructional officers to serve as strategy leads.


Dr. Taylor-Mendoza is also a co-author of the book “Minding the Obligation Gap in Community Colleges: Theory and Practice in Achieving Educational Equity.” The book has been shared nationally and locally and has become a resource for colleges in addressing the equity gaps that have become even more evident during the current pandemic.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Cañada Hosts High School & Community Partners Forum

For the second year, Cañada College hosted an information event for high school counselors, teachers, administrators and community partners to network with Cañada counselors, faculty and staff and learn more about new initiatives happening at Cañada College. Due to the pandemic, the event was held virtually with more than 60 community members in attendance via Zoom.

The event, held on November 6, opened with Welcoming Remarks, including an update from President Moore on how the College is supporting students during COVID-19. Vice President Pérez shared how the College has adopted an anti-racist framework to provide a more inclusive learning environment as well as shared updates on Guided Pathways. Vice President Robinson detailed how the College is navigating online learning through our Virtual Campus and learning platforms and Vice President Mendoza updated the group on campus Facilities and access for Spring 2021.

There were a number of informative presentations from members of the campus community, including a presentation on the cost of attending Cañada and scholarship opportunities from the Financial Aid and Promise Scholars Program teams, an overview of transfer programs, degrees and certificates including the debut of the College’s Program Mapper. The event also included a Career Education Showcase where several faculty members spotlighted their programs, including: Paralegal/Business, Interior Design and Digital Arts & Animation. Many students attend Cañada College for its Adult Education Programs and staff from the College for Working Adults (CWA) and English as a Second Language (ESL) presented the educational opportunities available. The highlight of the event was the student panel where Cañada College students, from a variety of programs, shared how they have been personally impacted by COVID-19 and provided insight on the campus resources available to support students so they can continue to study.

Feedback from our high school and community partners was positive and they shared that they enjoyed hearing stories directly from the students and loved learning more about all the incredible opportunities that San Mateo County youth have at Cañada College. The Forum was recorded and can be viewed here.

Digital Art & Animation Students Compete in 24-Hour Animation Contest

On October 3-4, 15 Cañada College Digital Art & Animation students (three teams of five students) participated in the 18th Annual 24-Hour Animation Contest, hosted by California State University, Long Beach. The students logged into a Zoom meeting at 3 p.m. on October 3 and received this year's theme: COVID and "connection." They then had 24 hours to brainstorm, develop, animate, color, edit, create, sound and upload their final 30-second film to YouTube. This year, more than 160 schools from all over the world participated and two of Cañada’s teams placed in the top 100 films, besting teams from prestigious animation schools such as Academy of Art University and UCLA. This was Digital Art & Animation student’s second year participating in the challenge and each team picked a creative name to use during the competition so that their school would not become a factor in judging. This is a voluntary activity and the Cañada students represented themselves incredibly well.  


Cañada College alumna, Lea Fisher exclaims, "Even though this year was extra stressful with a power outage at my house and submitting our film with only ten minutes to spare, our team created something I'm super proud of. We all persevered and I am glad they convinced me to join in again on the chaos that is 24 Hours!" Cañada College Digital Art & Animation student, Brooke Muschott adds, "24 Hours was the ultimate crash course in animation. In a day, I got to learn about the entire animation pipeline, different roles in animation, and how to efficiently coordinate with a team. With only 24 hours to complete the entire project, there's no time for regrets. Moving so fast gave us the opportunity to see what we did well and what we would do differently next time without being bogged down by perfection." The students also expressed gratitude to Professors Paul Naas, Billy B, David Gainey and Dean Hyla Lacefield for supporting the teams over the 24 hours the students were working.

The film teams that created the captivating [REDACTED] includes: Ciarán Burke, Brooke Muschott, Sierra Sholes, Elizabeth Birdwell and Ivy Wooldridge. The film team that created the wonderful DINGaLINGaLONGs includes: Veronica Plante, Tabitha Liu, Heather Theroff, Lea Fisher and Damien Salablanca-Cervantes. The film team that created the fantastic Team Baby Mode includes: Ryan Michelsen, Magnus Marshall, Angel Madueno, Lauren Campbell and Stanley Huang. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of November 16, 2020

Week of November 16, 2020

Partnership with San Mateo County Health Brings Free Flu Shots to SMCCCD Campuses

In collaboration with District Nurses, San Mateo County Health is offering free flu shots for SMCCCD students, faculty, and staff. If you work or take classes at Cañada College, College of San Mateo, or Skyline College, you can come to any college campus for a free flu shot on the following dates/times:

Wednesday, November 18
College of San Mateo

12 – 3 p.m.

Campus Flu Shot Map


Wednesday, December 2

Skyline College

1:30 – 4:30 p.m. 

Campus Flu Shot Map

Wednesday, December 9

Cañada College

12 – 3 p.m. 

Campus Flu Shot Map

Drive-ups and walk-ups are welcome!  No ID or pre-registration required. 

You must wear a facial covering and clothing that provides easy access to your shoulder for a flu shot. 

Do not come to campus if you are sick, tested positive for COVID-19, or have been in close contact with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case in the last 14 days.

Prior to receiving a flu shot you will need to pass a temperature check, COVID-19 symptom and history screening, have no contraindications to the flu vaccine, and provide information to be entered into CAIR (the California immunization registry).

Information at http://covid-19.smccd.edu/flushots

November 17

Last Day to Drop Semester Length Classes


November 18

The More You Know w/ the Peer Mentors

10 -11 a.m.
Event Link: https://tinyurl.com/moreuknow10  

Every week, students can build community with the BTO and STEM Peer Mentors through meaningful, supportive discussions and fun games! Topic: Check-in.


Redwood City School District Virtual Information Session

10 a.m.
Event Link: https://bit.ly/38kN4Qi

Please Join the Career Center and Redwood City School District (RCSD) for an Information Session for individuals interested in our current career and internship opportunities with the RCSD. In this session, we will highlight RCSD’s mission & vision, unique offerings, and review our application and hiring process. We will also leave time to answer your questions about working in RCSD. Your facilitator will be Gricelda Santamaria, Human Resources at RCSD.


San Francisco Unified School District Certificated Virtual Information Session

1-2 p.m.
Event Registration Link: https://forms.gle/Eycd4j7J5spqJ4Bi7

Interested in teaching with SFUSD? Please Join the Career Center and SFUSD for an Information Session for individuals interested in certificated career opportunities with the San Francisco Unified School District. In this one-hour session, we'll highlight SFUSD's mission & vision, unique offerings, and review our application and hiring process. We will also leave time to answer your questions about working in SFUSD. Your facilitator will be Giliat Ghebray, Human Capital Recruiter SFUSD.


Beta Zeta Nu Presents: How to Transfer to CAL Berkeley and Thrive!

4 - 5:30 p.m.
Event Link:

This is the second in our series of student support workshops. Any student who is considering CAL as a transfer option should attend for a brief presentation and then plenty of time to ask questions of the panelists. Featuring three Cañada/BZN alumni: Katherine Ramirez, 2017, Autumn McMahon, 2017 and Diego Zevallos, 2020.


November 19

Amazon Virtual Information and Q&A Session III

11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Event Link: https://bit.ly/3mTvhDL

Amazon is rapidly growing in the Bay Area creating new and exciting opportunities for job seekers in the community! Some of the opportunities that will be discussed are positions in the Amazon sorting centers as well as Whole Foods Markets. If you are interested in finding out about these wonderful opportunities, please join us.


November 20

Leadership Over Lunch (LOL)

11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Event Link: https://smccd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYoc-6upj4uHNQbfH3ver5xaXiLVoOysiRX

The Center for Student Life and Leadership Development invite you to a Q&A with Local Artists Cece Carpio and Arleene Correa Valencia. The first 15 attendees get a free sketchbook


Critical Conversation: Community Read

1:30-3 p.m.
Event Link: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/83562375709?pwd=cGtBMzN3WGNBSWJrSXhWbWVZb1JSdz09

Please join us for our Critical Conversations on Race: Community Read  We will be reviewing and discussing Ch. 6 – Ch. 11 Topics: body, culture, behavior, color, White, Black. The Cañada College campus community is invited to engage in a community read of Dr. Ibram X. Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist. The sections of the book have been distributed throughout the 2020 – 2021 academic year and will be paired with a critical conversation zoom session. The dialogue will center on race with Dr. Kendi’s book as a springboard for the conversation. The dialogue may, and is encouraged, to explore the deeper impacts of race for each of us on campus, in our communities, and in the world. Please mark your calendars and review this website for additional details, including how to access the readings.


November 26-29

Thanksgiving Holiday – Declared Recess No Classes


December 3

The More You Know w/ the Peer Mentors

4 -5 p.m.
Event Link: https://tinyurl.com/moreuknow11  

Every week, students can build community with the BTO and STEM Peer Mentors through meaningful, supportive discussions and fun games! Topic: Finals Study Tips & Words of Encouragement.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of November 9, 2020

Week of November 9, 2020

Post-Election Drop In Hours at the Personal Counseling Center

The Personal Counseling Center is available for Post-Election Drop-In Hours. Email “drop in” in the subject line to leeb@smccd.edu to receive an instant zoom link to meet with a PCC counselor during any of the following days and times. 

Days and times

PCC Counselor

Tuesday (Nov 10)
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Alexandra Slavet

Thursday (Nov 12)
1 – 2 p.m.

Anne Barry

Friday (Nov 13)
12 – 1 p.m.

Anne Barry



November 10

Tallying and Analyzing the Election Results

11:10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Event Registration: https://smccd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cOp-W1rSRyqnJhz8u_guaA

Math Professor Michael Hoffman and English Professor Elizabeth Terzakis will present an analysis of the 2020 election results and lead a virtual discussion about implications and future needs.


Cañada Fashion Department Curriculum Preview

2 p.m.
Event Log in: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/6503685534 
Meeting ID: 650 368 5534 

The Cañada Fashion Department will hold a Curriculum Preview via Zoom.  Come meet the instructors and hear about the Spring 2021 courses being offered.



November 11

Veteran’s Day (No Classes)



November 12

The More You Know w/ the Peer Mentors

11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Event Link: https://tinyurl.com/moreuknow9  

Students can build community with the BTO and STEM Peer Mentors through meaningful, supportive discussions and fun games! Topic: Time Management & Quarantine Activities.


Latino Thought Makers Virtual Event featuring Mexican American bilingual actress Katie Barberi

3:30-5 p.m.
Event Registration: https://tinyurl.com/LTM1112

Please join the Cañada College community for a presentation by Latino Thought Makers, a platform that provides a respectful and inclusive safe-space for educational discussions about all social, racial, and cultural issues with knowledgeable and highly-esteemed guest speakers.  The featured guest is Mexican American bilingual actress Katie Barberi. Barberi is notably one of the most recognizable telenovela stars of her time.  Latino Thought Makers is and has been at the forefront of social progress for America’s Latino community since 2014.  By teaching, inspiring, and presenting a new perspective on Latinos and other minorities, Latino Thought Makers aims to shine light on the Latino community’s strength as part of the solution.



November 16

International Education Week - Student Senate

4-6 p.m.
Event Registration https://tinyurl.com/IntEdASCC

Student Senate will be hosting an event during International Educational Week including a discussion on online studying experiences of international students, cultural showcase, and language lessons.


November 17

Last Day to Drop Semester Length Classes



November 18

The More You Know w/ the Peer Mentors

10 -11 a.m.
Event Link: https://tinyurl.com/moreuknow10  

Every week, students can build community with the BTO and STEM Peer Mentors through meaningful, supportive discussions and fun games! Topic: Check-in.


Redwood City School District Virtual Information Session

10 a.m.
Event Link: https://bit.ly/38kN4Qi

Please Join the Career Center and Redwood City School District (RCSD) for an Information Session for individuals interested in our current career and internship opportunities with the RCSD. In this session, we will highlight RCSD’s mission & vision, unique offerings, and review our application and hiring process. We will also leave time to answer your questions about working in RCSD. Your facilitator will be Gricelda Santamaria, Human Resources at RCSD.


San Francisco Unified School District Certificated Virtual Information Session

1-2 p.m.
Event Registration Link: https://forms.gle/Eycd4j7J5spqJ4Bi7

Interested in teaching with SFUSD? Please Join the Career Center and SFUSD for an Information Session for individuals interested in certificated career opportunities with the San Francisco Unified School District. In this one-hour session, we'll highlight SFUSD's mission & vision, unique offerings, and review our application and hiring process. We will also leave time to answer your questions about working in SFUSD. Your facilitator will be Giliat Ghebray, Human Capital Recruiter SFUSD.


November 19

Amazon Virtual Information and Q&A Session III

11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Event Link: https://bit.ly/3mTvhDL

Amazon is rapidly growing in the Bay Area creating new and exciting opportunities for job seekers in the community! Some of the opportunities that will be discussed are positions in the Amazon sorting centers as well as Whole Foods Markets.

If you are interested in finding out about these wonderful opportunities, please join us.



November 26-29

Thanksgiving Holiday – Declared Recess No Classes


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of November 2, 2020


Week of November 2, 2020


November 4

Redwood City School District Virtual Information Session

9-11:30 a.m.
Event Registration Link: http://meet.google.com/qum-scoy-dkd  

Please Join the Career Center and Redwood City School District (RCSD) for an Information Session for individuals interested in career and internship opportunities with the RCSD. In this session, we'll highlight RCSD’s mission & vision, unique offerings, and review our application and hiring process. We will also leave time to answer your questions about working in RCSD. Your facilitator will be Gricelda Santamaria, Human Resources at RCSD.


The More You Know w/ the Peer Mentors

10 -11 a.m.
Event Link: https://tinyurl.com/moreuknow8  

Every week, students can build community with the BTO and STEM Peer Mentors through meaningful, supportive discussions and fun games! Topic is check in.


STEM Speaker Series – Milene La Torre, Design Engineer, Kembcon Engineers

5-6 p.m.
Event Log in, Zoom Meeting ID: 97210972164 

Everyone is encouraged to attend the Speaker Series and check out the new interactive format, “After Hours in the STEM Center with Rance Bobo.” The new speaker series format is an interactive late night interview style which allows the viewers to ask questions during the interview. You can watch previously recorded episodes, but why just watch when you can participate live!


Inter Club Council Business Meeting

5:15-6:15 p.m.
Event Log In: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/97285365864

Inter Club Council meets multiple times a semester to conduct club business such as club approvals and club funding.


November 10

Tallying and Analyzing the Election Results

11:10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Event Registration: https://smccd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cOp-W1rSRyqnJhz8u_guaA

Math Professor Michael Hoffman and English Professor Elizabeth Terzakis will present an analysis of the 2020 election results and lead a virtual discussion about implications and future needs.


November 11

Veteran’s Day (No Classes)


November 12

The More You Know w/ the Peer Mentors

11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Event Link: https://tinyurl.com/moreuknow9  

Every week, students can build community with the BTO and STEM Peer Mentors through meaningful, supportive discussions and fun games! Topic: Time Management & Quarantine Activities.


Latino Thought Makers Virtual Event featuring Mexican American bilingual actress Katie Barberi

3:30-5 p.m.
Event Registration: https://tinyurl.com/LTM1112

Please join the Cañada College community for a presentation by Latino Thought Makers, a platform that provides a respectful and inclusive safe-space for educational discussions about all social, racial, and cultural issues with knowledgeable and highly-esteemed guest speakers.  The featured guest is Mexican American bilingual actress Katie Barberi. Barberi is notably one of the most recognizable telenovela stars of her time.  Latino Thought Makers is and has been at the forefront of social progress for America’s Latino community since 2014.  By teaching, inspiring, and presenting a new perspective on Latinos and other minorities, Latino Thought Makers aims to shine light on the Latino community’s strength as part of the solution.

November 17

Last Day to Drop Semester Length Classes


November 18

The More You Know w/ the Peer Mentors

10 -11 a.m.
Event Link: https://tinyurl.com/moreuknow10  

Every week, students can build community with the BTO and STEM Peer Mentors through meaningful, supportive discussions and fun games! Topic: Check-in.


San Francisco Unified School District Certificated Virtual Information Session

1-2 p.m.
Event Registration Link: https://forms.gle/Eycd4j7J5spqJ4Bi7

Interested in teaching with SFUSD? Please Join the Career Center and SFUSD for an Information Session for individuals interested in certificated career opportunities with the San Francisco Unified School District. In this one-hour session, we'll highlight SFUSD's mission & vision, unique offerings, and review our application and hiring process. We will also leave time to answer your questions about working in SFUSD. Your facilitator will be Giliat Ghebray, Human Capital Recruiter SFUSD.

Best Practices and Resources in Support of our Muslim Students and Colleagues

Dear Cañada Community, As we approach Ramadan, the Office of Equity and Cultural Center have prepared a series of best practices for you to ...