Thursday, December 16, 2021

Cañada Hosts High School & Community Partners Forum


On November 19, Cañada College hosted its third annual High School Counselor & Partner Forum, held virtually. The event kicked off with a warm welcome from Interim College President, Kim Lopez, and Vice President of Student Services, Dr. Manuel Alejandro Pérez. Attendees received updates on vaccination requirements, the College’s Recovery with Equity Plan and Department and Program updates.  Interim Financial Aid Director Andrea Garcia-Rittgers and representatives of the Promise Scholars Program encouraged everyone to help spread the word so all students apply for financial aid and Promise.  

Lezlee Ware, Professor at Cañada College and now also Program Coordinator for Umoja, shared exciting information about Umoja at Cañada College which is set to launch in the Spring 2022 semester.  Marcos Chacon, from the Personal Counseling Center spoke about the personal counseling services offered to students. Student Ambassadors, Bella Zhang and Chloe Kim, spoke about our Disability Resource Center. 

Mayra Arellano, Director of High School Transition & Dual Enrollment, and Jen Petroelje, Middle College Instructor, also shared information about our early college credit programs. These programs include Middle College, Dual Enrollment & Concurrent Enrollment.  

After program updates, attendees chose from one of two, 20-minute sessions to attend.  The first session included a Concurrent Enrollment training workshop for high school counselors.  Cañada College Counselor Nadya Sigona offered high school counselors information and tips to better help students who are interested in taking classes at Cañada College while still in high school.  The second session was a Community Focus Partner, led by Olivia Cortez-Figueroa, College Recruiter, and Ariela Villalpando, Interim Director of High School Transition & Dual Enrollment.  In this session, community partners provided feedback on what they would like to see from Cañada College to further strengthen our relationships and our commitment to serving students and the community.  This second session was offered as a result of survey feedback the College received after last year’s same event.

Feedback from the attendees was very positive and some great ideas were discovered from the breakout rooms. For example, the Community Partner Focus group got along so well and had such great ideas, that College Recruiter Olivia Cortez-Figueroa, offered to create and lead a Cañada College & Community partner group that will meet every other month to continue to promote and encourage communication and collaboration.

The Forum was recorded and can be found here using passcode: &47QB*r?

Cañada College Raises $50,000 to Support Students Daily Needs


Cañada College hosted its Fourth Annual President’s Luncheon virtually on November 2. The goal of the President’s Luncheon is to raise funds to support the basic daily needs of students so they can become successful in achieving their educational goals. As a college, Cañada is dedicated to serving its students and has found that student needs continue to be exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis. The event raised $50,000 towards the Cañada College President's Fund and will help pay for groceries, food vouchers, Chromebooks and hot spots for Cañada students. 

Community members, education partners and local elected representatives from throughout San Mateo County joined the President’s Luncheon, virtually, to hear about the essential needs of our students. The event was hosted by Cañada’s President’s Advisory Group, which led the charge in raising funds to support student success. Cañada College was fortunate to partner with many community sponsors including: Facebook, Kaiser Permanente, Chamber San Mateo County, Greystar and Stanford University to name a few. 

Since the pandemic started, the number of students enrolling at community colleges across the country has dropped precipitously: 14 percent statewide since fall 2019. Cañada College experienced a decline of seven percent over the same period. Reasons for stopping out cited by stopped out students Districtwide include: preferring not to enroll in online classes, prioritizing working for pay and prioritizing the care of children and other family members. When asked what the top three things the District could do to support their return, these students cited better scheduling options, being able to get the courses they want when they want them, as well as needing financial support and help choosing courses and programs. Holding events such as the President’s Luncheon, can help demonstrate to the community what resources students need to continue their studies.

During the President’s Luncheon, attendees had the honor of hearing from several Cañada students who shared their personal experiences at Cañada College and how relying on the school’s resources helped them on their educational journey and where they are continuing in the future. Jeison Velasquez, Aimee Kanadijan, and Brittney Samora-Delgadillo spoke and shared their stories that demonstrated their resilience, hard work, and pride in being a (current or former) Cañada student.

Jeison is now the Vice President of the Associated Students of Cañada College who has made a tremendous impact on our community and helps all students. He shared that he originally left Cañada College but returned years later when he received the support of the financial aid he needed. 

Aimee completed the Honors Program and transferred from Cañada College to UCLA with the help of counselors, financial aid, and her engagement with student government and clubs.  She plans to graduate from UCLA with a degree in Psychology.

Brittney is planning to transfer this year to study Psychology. She shared how support from Cañada helped her make the best of her situation during the pandemic so she could support herself and those in her community with help from counselors, tutors and financial aid. 

The adage “from here you can go anywhere” rings true when these success stories of Cañada College students is considered. With the support of the President’s Advisory Group and the more than 100 attendees logging into the event – including all of the District’s Board of Trustees members - and the College achieved its $50,000 fundraising goal to support students’ daily basic needs. A recorded version of the President’s Luncheon can be viewed here.




Tuesday, December 14, 2021

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of December 13, 2021

Week of December 13, 2021


Registration is OPEN for ALL new & returning students can register for classes

In-Person & Online Classes - Cañada College will be offering both in-person and online classes in the spring semester, so you can take the classes that are right for you. Check out Spring 2022 classes on WebSchedule.

Get Ready to Upload Your Vaccination Status - All students are required to be vaccinated in order to take in-person classes. Students must upload their vaccination. Complete the vaccination documentation process by following instructions below:

  1. Log into Websmart and select the Student Services tab

  1. Click on the “COVID-19 Vaccination” link at the top of the page and select one of the options below:

  1. Select “Fully vaccinated”

Enter requested vaccine information AND upload a digital copy (jpeg, tiff, or pdf) of vaccination card or California digital vaccination record. International students should provide documentation that is translated into English. For more information, please visit


College Shuttle Re-Launches in January 2022

The Cañada College shuttle will be back in rotation for the Spring semester! The shuttle will run direct service Monday-Thursday to/from Cañada and East Palo Alto beginning January 18, 2022 through May 27, 2022. Visit for the latest schedule updates.


SamTrans to Launch Pilot Program to Give Free Rides to Low-Income Students

SamTrans, in partnership with the San Mateo County Office of Education, is launching a six-month pilot program to offer free fares to low-income students. Read more about the program here:


Donate a Toy or Book for the Redwood City and San Mateo Toy Drive

Our Center for Student Life & Leadership Development is collecting new toys and books for the Redwood City Pal Toy Drive that will be donated to families at the North Fair Oaks Community Center. Please bring your donation to Building 5, Room 354 by 2 p.m. on Thursday, December 16. For questions, please contact


December 12-18

Final Examinations (Day and Evening Classes)


December 15

Student Support Station (in-person)

2-5 p.m.
Quad Area between Buildings 9 & 18

Are you ready to enroll at Cañada College for our Spring 2022 semester? Do you need help? Come visit us ON CAMPUS at our Student Support Station. We will help with your application, orientation, counseling appointment, financial aid and more! Don’t wait –classes start on January 18!


December 17

Campus Holiday Gathering (in-person)

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Updated Location: The Grove, Building 5

The entire campus community is invited to mix and mingle over light refreshments and merriment at our in-person Campus Holiday Gathering.


December 18

Day and Evening Classes End


December 22

Men’s Basketball vs Reedley College

5 p.m.
Building 1

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Reedley College!


December 23- 31

Winter Recess


December 30

Men’s Basketball vs Fresno City

3 p.m.
Building 1

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Fresno City College!


January 18, 2022

Spring 2022 Semester Begins



For disability-related accommodations, please email: or call (650) 306-3234.


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of December 6, 2021

Week of December 6, 2021


Registration is OPEN for ALL new & returning students can register for classes

In-Person & Online Classes - Cañada College will be offering both in-person and online classes in the spring semester, so you can take the classes that are right for you. Check out Spring 2022 classes on WebSchedule.

Get Ready to Upload Your Vaccination Status - All students are required to be vaccinated in order to take in-person classes. Students must upload their vaccination. Complete the vaccination documentation process by following instructions below:

  1. Log into Websmart and select the Student Services tab
  2. Click on the “COVID-19 Vaccination” link at the top of the page and select one of the options below:
  3. Select “Fully vaccinated”

Enter requested vaccine information AND upload a digital copy (jpeg, tiff, or pdf) of vaccination card or California digital vaccination record. International students should provide documentation that is translated into English. For more information, please visit


College Shuttle Re-Launches in January 2022

The Cañada College shuttle will be back in rotation for the Spring semester! The shuttle will run direct service Monday-Thursday to/from Cañada and East Palo Alto beginning January 18, 2022 through May 27, 2022. Visit for the latest schedule updates.


December 10

Men’s Basketball vs College of Siskiyous

6 p.m.
Building 1

Cheer on the Colts as they take on College of Siskiyous!


December 12-18

Final Examinations (Day and Evening Classes)


December 17

Campus Holiday Gathering (in-person)

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Building 23 Rooftop Patio

The entire campus community is invited to mix and mingle over light refreshments and merriment at our in-person Campus Holiday Gathering. Please RSVP by Tuesday, December 7.


December 18

Day and Evening Classes End


December 22

Men’s Basketball vs Reedley College

5 p.m.
Building 1

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Reedley College!


December 23- 31

Winter Recess



For disability-related accommodations, please email: or call (650) 306-3234.


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of November 29, 2021

Week of November 29, 2021


Registration is OPEN for ALL new & returning students can register for classes

In-Person & Online Classes - Cañada College will be offering both in-person and online classes in the spring semester, so you can take the classes that are right for you. Check out Spring 2022 classes on WebSchedule.

Get Ready to Upload Your Vaccination Status - All students are required to be vaccinated in order to take in-person classes. Students must upload their vaccination. Complete the vaccination documentation process by following instructions below:

  1. Log into Websmart and select the Student Services tab
  2. Click on the “COVID-19 Vaccination” link at the top of the page and select one of the options below:
  3. Select “Fully vaccinated”

Enter requested vaccine information AND upload a digital copy (jpeg, tiff, or pdf) of vaccination card or California digital vaccination record. International students should provide documentation that is translated into English. For more information, please visit


December 2

APA Basics in 30 minutes

5-5:30 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Need to use APA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for APA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your APA citations!


December 3

APA Basics in 30 minutes

1-1:30 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Need to use APA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for APA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your APA citations!


¡ESO! Adelante Posada (in-person)

1-2:30 p.m.
Building 23, 3rd Floor Patio

Join our ¡ESO! Adelante team for our first in person event! We will have snacks, music and games for students who attend. All are welcome, however, we do ask that students RSVP in advance at:


December 10

Men’s Basketball vs College of Siskiyous

6 p.m.
Building 1

Cheer on the Colts as they take on College of Siskiyous!


December 12-18

Final Examinations (Day and Evening Classes)


December 18

Day and Evening Classes End



For disability-related accommodations, please email: or call (650) 306-3234.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of November 22, 2021

Week of November 22, 2021


Registration is OPEN for ALL New & Returning Students Can Register for Classes

In-Person & Online Classes - Cañada College will be offering both in-person and online classes in the spring semester, so you can take the classes that are right for you. Check out Spring 2022 classes on WebSchedule.

Get Ready to Upload Your Vaccination Status - All students are required to be vaccinated in order to take in-person classes. Students must upload their vaccination. Complete the vaccination documentation process by following instructions below:

  1. Log into Websmart and select the Student Services tab
  2. Click on the “COVID-19 Vaccination” link at the top of the page and select one of the options below:
  3. Select “Fully vaccinated”

Enter requested vaccine information AND upload a digital copy (jpeg, tiff, or pdf) of vaccination card or California digital vaccination record. International students should provide documentation that is translated into English. For more information, please visit


Updates from the Library

Learn about the latest resources and services at the Library by reading this month’s Library newsletter. Try the new text-message reference service and text 650-535-8398 for research, citation, and other Library help! Check out the films, books, and more related to Native American Heritage Month. And, check out our Library YouTube Channel!


November 25-28

Declared Recess for Thanksgiving Holiday (no classes)


December 2

APA Basics in 30 Minutes

5-5:30 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Need to use APA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for APA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your APA citations!


December 3

APA Basics in 30 Minutes

1-1:30 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Need to use APA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for APA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your APA citations!


December 10

Men’s Basketball vs College of Siskiyous

6 p.m.
Building 1

Cheer on the Colts as they take on College of Siskiyous!



For disability-related accommodations, please email: or call (650) 306-3234.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of November 15, 2021

Week of November 15, 2021


November 17: Registration opens for ALL new & returning students can register for classes

In-Person & Online Classes - Cañada College will be offering both in-person and online classes in the spring semester, so you can take the classes that are right for you. Check out Spring 2022 classes on WebSchedule.

Get Ready to Upload Your Vaccination Status - All students are required to be vaccinated in order to take in-person classes. Students must upload their vaccination. Complete the vaccination documentation process by following instructions below:

  1. Log into Websmart and select the Student Services tab
  2. Click on the “COVID-19 Vaccination” link at the top of the page and select one of the options below:
  3. Select “Fully vaccinated”

Enter requested vaccine information AND upload a digital copy (jpeg, tiff, or pdf) of vaccination card or California digital vaccination record. International students should provide documentation that is translated into English. For more information, please visit


November 16

Last Day to Withdraw from Semester Length Classes


Drop-in MLA Citation Help

5-6 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Have questions about your works cited, references, or in-text citations? Stop by on Zoom to talk to a librarian about it.


November 17

Spring 2022 Open Registration Begins


Tea with a Social Scientist: Justice Through Reparations

11:10 a.m. – 12:25 p.m.
Zoom Link:

Professor Lezlee Ware, Political Science & Professor David Eck, Philosophy will lead a discussion on Justice Through Reparations and explore the political and economic history of reparations in America: from colonization of Native Americans, to African American enslavement, to the Jewish Holocaust, to Japanese internment.


Writing Center Workshop: Using Quotations & Paraphrasing

6-7 p.m.
Zoom Link:

Join Vince Fitzgerald and Maureen Wiley to learn how to use quotations and paraphrasing in your writing assignments. Bring your essay assignment handout!


November 18

Opportunities at University of Nevada, Las Vegas

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Zoom Link:

Students will learn about programs and services available at the University of Nevada Las Vegas for prospective and current students.


Plagiarism: What it is and How to Avoid it

12-1 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Don't be the student whose paper is rejected because Turnitin says you plagiarized! Learn what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.


UC Admission Application

1 – 2 p.m.
Zoom Log In:

Students will learn about the UC admissions policies, and learn to complete the UC application.


Trio SSS - Self Care, Tools for College Students Workshop

1-1:45 p.m.
Zoom Link:

Don’t sacrifice your well-being for success. Taking care of yourself is a success. Get tools on how to check in on yourself, feel less stressed, and boost your mood.


APA Basics in 30 minutes

6-6:30 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Need to use APA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for APA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your APA citations!


November 19

APA Basics in 30 minutes

1-1:30 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Need to use APA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for APA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your APA citations!

November 20

Drop-in MLA Citation Help

5-6 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Have questions about your works cited, references, or in-text citations? Stop by on Zoom to talk to a librarian about it.


November 25-28

Declared Recess for Thanksgiving Holiday (no classes)


December 2

APA Basics in 30 minutes

5-5:30 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Need to use APA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for APA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your APA citations!



For disability-related accommodations, please email: or call (650) 306-3234.


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of November 8, 2021

Week of November 8, 2021


Priority Registration is Open!

Make sure you’re ready to register when your registration date arrives:

  • November 3: Students who are part of EOPS, DRC, CalWorks, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, or Veterans can register for classes
  • November 4: Promise Scholars, TRIO, Athletes, Honors, Student Government, Project Change and International students can register for classes
  • November 5-8: Continuing Students who have a Student Education Plan (SEP) can register for classes
  • November 9: Continuing Middle College Students can register for classes
  • November 17: Registration opens for ALL new & returning students can register for classes

In-Person & Online Classes - Cañada College will be offering both in-person and online classes in the spring semester, so you can take the classes that are right for you. Check out Spring 2022 classes on WebSchedule.

Get Ready to Upload Your Vaccination Status - All students are required to be vaccinated in order to take in-person classes. Students must upload their vaccination. Complete the vaccination documentation process by following instructions below:

  1. Log into Websmartand select the Student Services tab
  2. Click on the “COVID-19 Vaccination” link at the top of the page and select one of the options below:
  3. Select “Fully vaccinated”

Enter requested vaccine information AND upload a digital copy (jpeg, tiff, or pdf) of vaccination card or California digital vaccination record. International students should provide documentation that is translated into English. For more information, please visit


November 9

Men’s Soccer vs De Anza College

12:30 p.m.
Colts Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on De Anza College.


Women’s Soccer vs De Anza College

3 p.m.
Colts Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on De Anza College!


November 10

Virtual Health Fair

9 a.m.-1:15 p.m.

Please join and learn what our community resources have to offer. Health topics include:

Department of Rehabilitation: Advocacy of employment, independent living and equality for Californians with disabilities
Time: 9- 9:15 a.m.

Pollution Prevention offered by San Mateo County Environmental Health
Time: 9:30 to 9:45 a.m. and 3 to 3:15 p.m.

Alcoholics Anonymous
Time: 10-10:15 a.m. and 2 to 2:15

Grief Support offered by KARA
Time: 10:45 to 11 a.m. and 1:30 to 1:45 p.m.

Overcoming Relationship Abuse offered by CORA
Time: 11:15 to 11:30 a.m.

Food/Housing/Financial Support offered by SparkPoint
Time: 11:45 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Self-care during times of transition offered by Cañada College Personal Counseling
Time: 1 to 1:15 p.m.


November 11

Plagiarism: What it is and How to Avoid it

12-1 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Don't be the student whose paper is rejected because Turnitin says you plagiarized! Learn what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.


CSU Admission Application

1 – 2 p.m.
Zoom Log In:

Students will learn about the CSU admissions policies and learn to complete the CSU application.


Men’s Basketball vs Delta College

5 p.m.
Building 1 Gym

Cheer on the Colts as they take on San Joaquin Delta College!


November 12

Veteran’s Day Holiday (No Classes)


MLA Basics in 30 Minutes

11- 11:30 a.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Need to use MLA for your research papers? Join the librarian for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for MLA in-text citations and works cited lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your MLA citations!


Men’s Soccer vs Skyline College

3 p.m.
Colts Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Skyline College.


November 13

MLA Basics in 30 Minutes

11- 11:30 a.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Need to use MLA for your research papers? Join the librarian for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for MLA in-text citations and works cited lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your MLA citations!


November 15

Completing CSU application –presented by San Francisco State University (SFSU)

2-3 p.m.
Zoom Log In:

Students will learn how to complete Cal State application.


November 16

Last Day to Withdraw from Semester Length Classes


Drop-in MLA Citation Help

5-6 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Have questions about your works cited, references, or in-text citations? Stop by on Zoom to talk to a librarian about it.


November 17

Spring 2022 Open Registration Begins


Tea with a Social Scientist: Justice Through Reparations

11:10 a.m. – 12:25 p.m.
Zoom Link:

Professor Lezlee Ware, Political Science & Professor David Eck, Philosophy will lead a discussion on Justice Through Reparations and explore the political and economic history of reparations in America: from colonization of Native Americans, to African American enslavement, to the Jewish Holocaust, to Japanese internment.


November 18

Plagiarism: What it is and How to Avoid it

12-1 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Don't be the student whose paper is rejected because Turnitin says you plagiarized! Learn what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.


UC Admission Application

1 – 2 p.m.
Zoom Log In:

Students will learn about the UC admissions policies, and learn to complete the UC application.


Trio SSS - Self Care, Tools for College Students Workshop

1-1:45 p.m.
Zoom Link:

Don’t sacrifice your well-being for success. Taking care of yourself is a success. Get tools on how to check in on yourself, feel less stressed, and boost your mood.


Opportunities at University of Nevada Las Vegas

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Zoom Link:

Students will learn about programs and services available at the University of Nevada Las Vegas for prospective and current students.


APA Basics in 30 minutes

6-6:30 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Need to use APA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for APA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your APA citations!


November 19

APA Basics in 30 minutes

1-1:30 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Need to use APA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for APA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your APA citations!


November 20

Drop-in MLA Citation Help

5-6 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link:

Have questions about your works cited, references, or in-text citations? Stop by on Zoom to talk to a librarian about it.


November 25-28

Declared Recess for Thanksgiving Holiday (no classes)



For disability-related accommodations, please email: or call (650) 306-3234.


Best Practices and Resources in Support of our Muslim Students and Colleagues

Dear Cañada Community, As we approach Ramadan, the Office of Equity and Cultural Center have prepared a series of best practices for you to ...