Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Applications are Open for Fall 2021 at Middle College High School



Middle College High School is a successful dual enrollment partnership program between the Sequoia Union High School District (SUHSD) and Cañada College that allows juniors and seniors to complete high school graduation requirements on the beautiful Cañada College campus. Students take high school English and Social Studies classes with SUHSD teachers while also taking community college classes that count both towards high school graduation and transfer to a 4-year university, all in a supportive, small-school environment.

Students in the Middle College program benefit from close interactions with their teachers, a mature learning environment, and built-in support that helps them make the transition from high school to college. They learn the self-management skills that lead to success at the college level. They also research college and career options and develop specific post-secondary plans for which the Middle College instructors help them prepare. College tuition is FREE, as are college textbooks. Read more HERE.


We have four upcoming information meetings:

  • Wednesday, 1/27 at 6:30pm
  • Thursday, 2/11 at 6:30pm
  • Tuesday, 2/23 at 6:30pm
  • Wednesday, 3/10 at 6:30pm


Families can RSVP HERE and receive the zoom link.



Tuesday, January 26, 2021

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of January 25, 2021

Week of January 25, 2021

Free Drive-Thru Emergency Food Distribution

If you, your family, or students you interact with are in need of free groceries during this challenging time, please visit one of our FREE Drive-thru Emergency Food Distributions happening across the District. The San Mateo County Community College District, in partnership with Second Harvest of Silicon Valley, is holding FREE Drive-thru Emergency Food Distributions, every Wednesday and Friday, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

WEDNESDAYS (Skyline College):

11 a.m. – 1 p.m. 
Skyline College at 3300 College Dr., San Bruno, CA 94066 (Please use Skyline Blvd entrance)

FRIDAYS (College of San Mateo):
11 a.m. – 1 p.m. 

College of San Mateo at 1700 W. Hillsdale Blvd., San Mateo, CA 94402

IMPORTANT INFORMATION for all Food Distributions

  • COVID-19 guidelines will be observed
  • Only Drive-thru customers will be served
  • Open to all students and the community
  • This does not impact public charge
  • No I.D. is required to pick up food
  • We will distribute food while supplies last

Our goal is to increase access to healthy and nutritious food for students, their families and our community. We look forward to seeing you there!


January 28

A Conversation with Dr. Cornel West: The Shared History of African American and Latinx Peoples

4-5:30 p.m.
View event at: 

As part of its ongoing commitment to celebrate diversity and inclusion, Cañada College will host an important conversation with Latino Thought Makers Rick Najera featuring renowned speaker, author and Harvard scholar, Dr. Cornel West. Dr. West is best known for his classics, Race Matters and Democracy Matters, and for his memoir, Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud. His most recent book, Black Prophetic Fire, offers an unflinching look at African-American leaders and their visionary legacies. He is co-host of the podcast “The Tight Rope,” and is committed to telling the truth and bearing witness to love and justice.


February 1

Last Day to Drop Semester Length Classes With Eligibility for Partial Refund
Last Day to Add Semester Length Classes


February 3

STEM Speaker Series – Finding Ways to Steady the Course During a Pandemic

5-6 p.m.
Event Log in, Zoom Meeting ID: 972 1097 2164 

All are invited to listen to the presenter which most of whom are Cañada alum. We will have the same format as in person except there are no back-row seats. Submit your questions to the speaker and get answers. Please visit the STEM Canvas page to see the most recent event videos.


February 5

Next Critical Conversation on Race: Community Read

1:30-3 p.m.
Zoom Log in:

Please join us for our Critical Conversations on Race: Community Read  where we will be reviewing and discussing Ch. 12 – Ch. 15 Topics: class, space, gender, sexuality. The Cañada College campus community is invited to engage in a community read of Dr. Ibram X. Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist. The sections of the book have been distributed throughout the 2020 – 2021 academic year and will be paired with a critical conversation Zoom session. The dialogue will center on race with Dr. Kendi’s book as a springboard for the conversation. The dialogue may, and is encouraged, to explore the deeper impacts of race for each of us on campus, in our communities, and in the world. Please mark your calendars and review this website for additional details, including how to access the readings.


February 7

Last day to drop semester length classes without appearing on record 


February 8

Census Day


February 10

STEM Speaker Series – Hypothesis: Practicing Yoga Compels Wisdom and Well-Being | Scientific Proof That Humans Can Self-Heal

5-6 p.m.
Event Log in, Zoom Meeting ID: 972 1097 2164 

Featured speaker is Cañada Alumni and Assistant Professor at Cañada College, Vera Quijano. All are invited to listen to the presenter which most of whom are Cañada alum. We will have the same format as in person except there are no back-row seats. Submit your questions to the speaker and get answers. Please visit the STEM Canvas page to see the most recent event videos.




Monday, January 25, 2021

Cañada Students Recognized by Bay Honors Research Symposium

Think You?!, the Proceedings of the Bay Honors Research Symposium, is the collection of student work of those who present at the Bay Honors Research Symposium. The Symposium is held annually and is organized by the Bay Honors Consortium. All students who present at the Symposium are accepted via a competitive process and all work is done as part of an honors course, or an honors contract, at a California Community College. In order to have their work published on Think You?!, students must have presented their work at the Symposium and have their work fully vetted by their mentoring professors. The mentors check the work for accuracy, ethics with respect to procedure, correct citation for the discipline, and overall logic of work. Students submit a paper of their work, a video of their presentation, or both. 

The Bay Honors Consortium (BHC) Proposal Committee met in early March 2020 to review the proposals that the Cañada College Honors students submitted and selected the best proposals to be presented at the Bay Honors Research Symposium. Out of 209 proposals submitted, they accepted 93, which is 45 percent of submissions. The original plan was to hold the 2020 Symposium at Stanford on May 2. However, due to COVID, the BHC made the difficult decision to cancel the in-person Symposium and, alternatively, honor the hard work of the stellar students by publishing Think You?! 2020. The following Cañada College Honors students, and their respective professors, were recognized and published by the BHC in Think You?! 2020. 

  • In Art History, mentored by Denise Erickson, Students Renalyn Ejada and Jeison Velásquez were recognized with “What Responsibility does Public Art Have to the Public?” 
  • In Literature, mentored by Lisa Palmer, Student Nigel Hawkins was recognized with “They’d Rather Us Dead: Racism, Drugs, and Oppression in 1950s Harlem.” In Hawkins’ research, he expands on the disparities in housing, education, and opportunity between White Americans and Black Americans living in Harlem. Hawkins relates his childhood to Sonny, who is a character in American Novelist James Baldwin’s story, Sonny’s Blue’s. Hawkins says, “When I read Baldwin, I understood how the society I lived in pushed me away from recognizing who I truly am. Baldwin inspires me and gifts me a new perspective towards the direction I am going toward in my life.” 
  • In Economics, mentored by Paul Roscelli, Student Elena Thai was recognized with “The Price is Not Always Right: How Offline and Online Pricing in Drugstores Impact Retailers and Consumers.” In Thai’s research of online pricing, she found “Online shopping has become a pertinent method of shopping over the years due to its convenience, ease, and accessibility, but within drugstores there is evidence of price discrimination which is selling identical products at different prices to maximize profits.” 
  • Also, in Economics, mentored by Paul Roscelli and Rebekah Taveau, Student Kaisen Yao was recognized with “Conflict and Resolution: The 2007-08 Financial Crisis.” Kaisen’s goal was to “analyze the causes - overdependence on financial derivatives, credit-rating agencies’ fraud, and the widespread economic globalization - and the socio-economic consequences in the U.S. In order to avoid a recurrence of a recession, the U.S. government should appropriately reduce the use of expansionary policies such as tax cuts and interest rate cuts.”
  • In Psychology and Economics, mentored by Paul Roscelli and Patty Hall, Students Jana Gaskin and David Chabra were recognized with “Ignorance in the Age of Information: The Truth about Vaping.” Gaskin’s and Chabra’s goal was to reveal the true effects of vaping and investigate teen misconceptions about e-cigarettes. In Gaskin’s and Chabra’s research, they found “Understanding what drives ignorance, especially among adolescents, is pivotal in discovering strategies to discourage the pursuit of vaping and similar behaviors. Battling misinformation with facts can potentially help curb the recent surge of vaping among young adults and teens.” 

Gaskin, who submitted two proposals on vaping, says, “Cañada supported David and I through informative consultations. Every professor we interacted with gave prompt, clear responses that were immensely helpful in answering questions and guiding research. Additionally, we worked closely with the Cañada Middle College program to gain access to high school students for the survey we conducted as part of our research process. We were also aided by Cañada Research Librarians, who helped direct us to the correct databases and library resources.”

Chabra agreed and said, “Cañada’s support was invaluable during our research project. We also got many great suggestions from other faculty members about different articles to research.” Gaskin advises Cañada College students looking to write and be published in Think You?! should “Choose a topic that you’re genuinely interested in and passionate about, because the process of creating an academically rigorous research project is long and difficult even when you’re really excited about it, so trying to get through that process when you’re bored and unmotivated would be really challenging.” 

Congratulations to all of the students, and their mentors, on your work and recognition. 



Cañada Counselor Acknowledged for Statewide Work

Congratulations to Cañada’s Learning Disability Specialist/DRC Counselor, Jenna French, who was awarded the 2020 RJ Scuderi Exemplary Award at the California Association of Post-Secondary Education and Disability (CAPED) conference. CAPED is the preeminent association advocating for and with students with disabilities in postsecondary education. For the past two years, Jenna has served as the CAPED California Co-Chair. When COVID-19 hit, there were no policies or processes for Learning Disability (LD) Specialists at the community college level during emergencies. Jenna, along with her co-chair, formed a new statewide council, "CAPED LD CIG Representative Council," made up of LD Specialists from each region. 

The council created the "Guidance for Temporary Disability Services and Accommodations" as well as, the "LD Specialist Roles and Best Practices During COVID-19" handout. Working with the Chancellor's Office, these handouts and guidance were created to support Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) offices statewide during these challenging times. They were sent to DSPS Directors/LD specialists in Fall 2020 and presented at the CAPED conference. Jenna remarked that it was an honor to be recognized for this hard work to support LD specialists and DSPS offices statewide.


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of January 18, 2021

Week of January 18, 2021

January 20-22

Associated Students' Welcome Week

Wednesday, January 20 from 5-6 p.m.
Thursday, January 21 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Friday, January 22 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

 Zoom Link: 

Come share your resolutions, play a 2021 Scategories game, share tips and trips for planning your semester and get a free Moleskine notebook.


January 28

A Conversation with Dr. Cornel West: The Shared History of African American and Latinx Peoples

4-5:30 p.m.
Event Registration:

As part of its ongoing commitment to celebrate diversity and inclusion, Cañada College will host an important conversation with Latino Thought Makers Rick Najera featuring renowned speaker, author and Harvard scholar, Dr. Cornel West. Dr. West is best known for his classics, Race Matters and Democracy Matters, and for his memoir, Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud. His most recent book, Black Prophetic Fire, offers an unflinching look at African-American leaders and their visionary legacies. He is co-host of the podcast “The Tight Rope,” and is committed to telling the truth and bearing witness to love and justice.


February 1

Last Day to Drop Semester Length Classes With Eligibility for Partial Refund

Last Day to Add Semester Length Classes


February 7

Last day to drop semester length classes without appearing on record 



Monday, January 11, 2021

Cañada College Online Student Services are Available to You


Dear Cañada College Students:

Welcome to the Spring 2021 semester! As the College conducts the semester in our online platform, we wanted to remind you that many student services are available to you. Students can call and schedule appointments either in person or via Zoom video conferencing or phone appointments. Student Services include:

Remote counseling services are available for General Counseling and for our Counseling Support Programs (EOPS, Promise, TRiO, etc.). Please contact The Welcome Center at (650) 306-3452 or

The Admissions & Records Office is operating remotely and providing essential services through the end of the Spring 2021 semester. They can be contacted at or (650) 306-3226. Admissions & Records will continue processing transcript requests and forms; please access the forms on their website: Note: veterans or veteran dependents, for questions about your status, please contact Stephen Soler

Students can order their books online though the Bookstore website! For more information, or for a step-by-step guide, visit

Remote and on-line services are available. Please email the cashiers office staff at or call (650) 306-3270 for assistance.

Students can make a phone or Zoom appointment by contacting the Cañada Disability Resources Center at or (650) 306-3259 (leave a voicemail, be sure to include your full first and last name and your G#). There will be no face-to-face appointments during this time. 

Remote services are available for the Dream Center by calling (650) 306-3466 or emailing If you are seeking food, housing or any other community resources, regardless of your documentation status, please call 211. If you live in San Mateo County, you may also contact your nearest San Mateo County Core Agency.

Para obtener servicious virtuales, favor de comunicarse con el Centro de Soñadares al (650) 306-3466 o envie un correco electronico a Si busca comida, alojamiento u otro recurso comunitario, independiente de sus estatus migratorio, llame al 211. Si Ud. es residente del Condado de San Mateo, tambien comuniquese con el San Mateo County Core Agency mas cercano.

For broad area concerns, administrative matters, or for questions for the Dean, please contact Dr. Wissem Bennani, Interim Dean of Enrollment Services and Support Programs at

The ESO! Adelante Program supports Latinx, high-potential, first-generation college students, low-resource students and first-generation college students in their transfer pathway to San Francisco State University (SFSU) through transfer support programs at Cañada College and SFSU. They provide academic preparedness support, peer mentors and transfer informational workshops. Visit: for program information and for contact information.

The Cañada College Financial Aid Office is open for remote services during our regularly schedule hours.  Please see our website where you can Ask Cody (our chatbot) general financial aid questions, get assistance from a staff member during our Zoom Drop-In Hours, apply for our annual scholarships (the 2021-22 application deadline is March 2, 2021) and submit your financial aid documents securely through the Financial Aid DropBox at  All questions can be directed to our campus email at or phone (650) 306-3308. Make sure to include your student ID (G number) in all communications.  Remember to check your student email and WebSMART regularly for any updates from our office.

The Health Center is physically closed and telemedicine services are offered via Zoom appointments. For more information regarding schedules or non-urgent future appointments, please email or call (650) 306-3309. Leave a voicemail and our staff will return your call ASAP. 

For the Spring 2021 semester the Library will offer fully online reference services during standard operating hours. Streaming films and many databases, e-books and research tools are available 24/7. Please visit the Library website for more information. 

If you need a Chromebook, Laptop, WiFi hotspot, or calculator use the Student Technology Request form. Be sure to include your name and G-number. You will receive a response to your request to notify you if equipment is available and instructions for receiving it. Please note that supplies are limited and we may not have the exact equipment requested available. 

Receive live assistance via Zoom for any questions about Cañada College, including assistance for students with applying and registering at Cañada:   To schedule a Zoom appointment on a specific day/time, please call 650-306-3444 or email

During campus closure, all counseling sessions will be conducted virtually. Please email to make an appointment with a personal counselor. If you are not registered with the Personal Counseling Center, please email us also to get guidance on registering with the PCC.

If you need to speak with someone right away or are in crisis, please contact one of these resources as soon as possible: 

  1. Local Crisis Line: 650-579-0350

  2. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK 

  3. Crisis Text Line: 741-741 (Text “COURAGE”)

  4. If you are in immediate emergency call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room

A full service of remote financial coaching and education services are available for SparkPoint. Sign up today to receive cash incentives for completing positive financial behaviors. To schedule an appointment contact (650) 381-3550 or email

If you need food, please visit the Drive-thru Districtwide Emergency Food Distribution located at Skyline College every Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and at College of San Mateo, every Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please note that the Food Pantry is suspended until further notice. If you are seeking additional food, housing, rental assistance or any other community resource, please call 211. If you live in San Mateo County, we also encourage you to contact your nearest San Mateo County Core Agency.

No matter where you are, you can still get involved and find your community at Cañada College! Learn more about the events, clubs, Student Senate, and leadership programs you can get involved here. We’re also still making Student Body Cards and providing Housing Assistance meetings; contact us at to get started today!

Remote services are available for the Veterans by calling (650) 306-3250 or emailing If you are seeking food, housing, rental assistance or any other community resource, please call 211. If you live in San Mateo County, you may also contact your nearest San Mateo County Core Agency.


All in-person Learning Center and STEM Center operations are suspended and have transitioned to web-based services. Tutoring for the majority of subjects (Math, English, Social Sciences, Sciences, etc.) is available online. For more information visit the Learning Center website or the STEM Center website.

Learning Center Spring Office Hours (Speak with a Live Person via Zoom):
Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
visit us at

Need support with your courses or have questions about tutoring? Come to the Learning Center website to get information about tutoring, peer mentoring, support with your Writing and Math/Science courses, retention support for your Basic Skills and ESL Courses. We can also answer your basic questions about Zoom and Canvas, Jam Programs, COLTS-CON or Learning Center courses.

Online One-on-One Tutoring is available for the majority of subjects (Math, English, Social Sciences, Sciences, etc.) via Zoom. In addition, outside of our scheduled hours, students will also be able to use NetTutor, an external tutoring platform that provides additional access to tutoring (more info on this available on Learning and STEM Centers tutoring pages). For more information visit the Learning Center website or the STEM Center website

STEM students who need assistance with study tips, appointments with our STEM Counselor, or personal statements for scholarships, can email or text/phone to chat with us! Contact Gonzalo Arrizon, STEM Retention Specialist, at, Google Voice number: (510) 936-1180. Check our STEM Center Canvas page for the latest updates. Hablo Español!

Virtual tours of four-year universities will take place April 9 through April 30. During the tours, we will hear from admissions staff at the universities, explore student academic support programs and hear from Cañada alum about their experiences at the universities. As all of our visits will take place over Zoom, so you can enjoy the tour from the comfort of your home! Reach out to Rance Bobo ( or Zoom: or (650) 381-3559 to get more information about the virtual campus tours as well as information about any university that interests you.

The STEM Speaker Series will take place every Wednesday from 5-6 p.m. between February 3 through March 24. Everyone is invited to listen to the presenters, most of whom are Cañada alum. We will have the same format as in-person speaker series, except no back-row seats! You can submit your questions to the speaker and get answers. If can’t make it during the live session, a recording will be available soon after. Please visit the STEM Center webpage or the STEM Canvas page to see the virtual Speaker Series schedule as well as the most recent videos. If you need access to the STEM Canvas page please register at: Reach out to Rance Bobo ( or Zoom: or (650) 381-3559 if you have any questions about the STEM Virtual Speaker Series.

If you plan to transfer in Fall 2021 or Fall 2022 and have questions pertaining to your major, campus exploration or basic transfer inquiries please reach out to Rance Bobo at or Zoom: or (650) 381-3559.

The Peer Mentors at Cañada College are here to help you adjust and succeed! Peer mentors support their student mentees by encouraging them to embrace college life and increase their knowledge about resources that will help them succeed. For more information visit the  Learning Center website.



Our “virtual campus” website provides you with online education resources and information on how to access student services online.

Current students who need access to internet and technology equipment or software required to complete coursework, are eligible to borrow available equipment such as Chromebooks, hotspots, and graphing calculators. For more information visit here.                

Currently enrolled students at Cañada College, College of San Mateo and Skyline College can now reserve a parking space at any of our colleges and get free Wi-Fi for the day. Students may use the Wi-Fi to attend online classes or do schoolwork. Learn more at:





Students should not come to campus. This is due to online and distance education. Offices and student services (such as SparkPoint, EOPS, health centers, international student offices, and all others) will not be available.

All classes will be held as online. Please check your email frequently for communications from your instructor.

Please monitor your District email ( constantly for important updates. 


  1. Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College campuses are closed to all students through the end of the semester. 

  2. Campus shuttles are suspended until further notice

  3. All in-person special events (performances, lectures, exhibits, receptions, workshops, panel discussions, committee meetings, club meetings) are cancelled 

Comcast is offering two months of free high-speed internet to certain new customers who qualify for public assistance. See Comcast Internet Essentials for information.

Because SparkPoint is closed, if you are seeking food, housing or any other community resources, please call 211 or contact your nearest San Mateo County Core Agency.

 All updates are posted at:

We thank you for your patience as we work together as a community to manage this crisis. This community is strong, and working together we will make it through this challenging time.

Best Practices and Resources in Support of our Muslim Students and Colleagues

Dear Cañada Community, As we approach Ramadan, the Office of Equity and Cultural Center have prepared a series of best practices for you to ...