Friday, May 27, 2022

Preparing for Tomorrow’s Commencement


Ver en Español

Dear fellow Cañadians, friends and family,

We look forward to celebrating our graduates at tomorrow’s 54th Annual Commencement! The ceremony will be held at 10 a.m. in the Upper Lawn.

What's Happening at Cañada Header


In preparation for the big day, please note that tomorrow morning’s forecast predicts a temperature high of 63 degrees and slight wind. Please prepare accordingly with a light jacket, sunglasses, protective headwear and sunscreen.



Parking permits are not required and free parking is available in all student lots. All other parking and traffic rules apply. Visit Maps, Directions & Parking for more information.


First Aid Station

If needed, a First Aid Station (located on the first floor of Building 9, Room 154) will be open throughout Commencement. It’s important to remain hydrated and bring water; beverages will also be for sale at Commencement.


Selfie Sticks, Parasols, Umbrella, Horns and Confetti Not Permitted

For the safety and enjoyment of all guests, please discourage the use of: selfie sticks, parasols, umbrellas, confetti, horns or any type of noisemaker. Guests with any of these will be asked to leave.



Professional photography will be provided. Each graduate will have their photo taken as they walk across the stage. Photos will be available for purchase after the ceremony. There is no obligation to purchase.


Live Web Stream

Friends and family of the graduates can also watch the ceremony from home! The broadcast of the Commencement Ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. and can be viewed at


Not Attending?

No problem! If you registered for Commencement but for some reason can no longer attend the ceremony, we ask that you kindly let us know. All graduates will receive their degrees/certificates in the mail during the summer, regardless whether or not they attend the ceremony.


Check Updates on Commencement Website

Please visit the Commencement website for the latest updates.

We hope that your participation in this ceremony will be a celebration and lasting memory for you and your family. If you have any questions, please contact The Center for Student Life and Leadership Development at or visit the Student Life and Leadership team in Building 5, Room 354.

On behalf of the entire Cañada community, we hope that you enjoy Commencement to celebrate Cañada’s Class of 2022!


Thank you,
Cañada College



For disability-related accommodations, please email: or call (650) 306-3234.



For disability-related accommodations, please email: or call (650) 306-3234.

Preparándose para Graduación


Estimados miembros de Cañada College, amigos y familias,

Esperamos con gusto poder celebrar a nuestros graduados mañana en la quincuagésima cuarta ceremonia anual de graduación. La ceremonia se dará a lugar a las 10 a.m. en la cancha de arriba.


En preparación para el gran día, tóme en cuenta que el pronóstico de mañana en la mañana prevé una temperatura alta de 63 grados y viento ligero. Prepárese al gusto con una chamarra ligera, gafas, sombreros y bloqueador solar.


No se requiere permisos de estacionamiento y estacionamiento gratuito se encuentra en todos los estacionamientos para estudiantes. Se aplican el resto de reglas de estacionamiento y tráfico. Para mayor información visite Mapas, direcciones y estacionamiento .

Estación de primeros auxilios

Si es necesario, se abrirá durante la ceremonia una estación de primeros auxilios (ubicada en el primer piso del Edificio 9, salón 154). Es importante mantenerse hidratado y traer agua; habrá también bebidas disponibles para la venta en la ceremonia.

No se permiten brazos extensibles para selfies, parasoles, sombrillas, pitos y confeti

Por cuestiones de seguridad y para que todos los invitados disfruten del evento, recomendamos evitar el uso de: brazos extensibles para selfies, parasoles, sombrillas, confeti, pitos o cualquier tipo de dispositivo que emita ruidos. Se les pedirá a los invitados que salgan del evento si llevan estos objetos a la ceremonia.


Fotografía profesional será disponible. Se tomará la foto de cada graduado mientras caminan hacia el escenario. Las fotos estarán disponibles para la venta después de la ceremonia. No es obligatorio comprarlas.

Transmisión por web en vivo

Los amigos y familiares de los graduados también pueden ver la ceremonia desde casa. La transmisión de la ceremonia comenzará a las 10 a.m. y se puede ver en

¿No va a asistir?

¡No hay problema! Si se registró para la ceremonia, pero por alguna razón ya no puede asistir al evento, le pedimos que nos informe de ello. Todos los graduados recibirán sus títulos/certificados en el correo en el transcurso del verano, independientemente de que hayan asistido a la ceremonia o no.

Verifique las actualizaciones en el sitio web de la ceremonia

Visite el sitio web de la ceremonia para ver las últimas actualizaciones.

Esperamos que su participación en esta ceremonia sea una celebración y algo memorable para usted y su familia.  Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con el Centro para el Desarrollo de Liderazgo Estudiantil por medio de o visite al equipo en el Edificio 5, Salón 354. 

En nombre de toda la comunidad de Cañada, esperamos que disfrute la ceremonia para celebrar a la clase 2022 de Cañada.


Cañada College

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of May 23, 2022

What's Happening at Cañada Header 

Week of May 23, 2022

Verify Your Vaccination Status for Summer & Fall 2022 Registration

For students who plan to register for in-person, hybrid, or hyflex courses, or any on-campus programming or services, you will be required to submit proof of your COVID-19 vaccination or apply for an exemption prior to registering, if you have not done so already. If you have already submitted proof of your COVID-19 Vaccination, you do NOT need to re-submit. You do not need to submit proof of a Booster vaccination. Please visit the Return to Campus website for instructions on how to verify your vaccination status or apply for an exemption. In addition, there is a FAQ Page with detailed information on all types of questions relating to a return to being in-person and on campus.


Summer & Fall Registration is Open! Schedules Available on WebSchedule

Register now for Summer & Fall 2022 using WebSmart. You can also browse available classes in WebSchedule for the upcoming Summer and Fall 2022 semesters.


COVID-19 Testing & At-Home Antigen Tests Available Districtwide

Employees, students and the broader community with or without symptoms can test via our partnership with COVID Clinic. Free PCR is available Monday – Thursday from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., and Friday from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. In addition, students can pick-up a free at-home antigen (rapid) testing kit. Testing kits are readily available at the entrance of every Bookstore. Please visit our COVID-19 Testing webpage for more details.


Free Lyft Rides Now Offered to Cañada College

Cañada College is now offering free Lyft rides for Cañada students! The program is intended to help make it easier and more affordable for you to get to your in-person classes and support services at Cañada College.

How to Sign Up:

Complete the registration form. Once your information is validated and you are approved, you’ll receive an email invitation from Lyft Business. Follow the steps in the email to complete the signup process and receive the eligible ride allotments! Students are allotted up to 40 rides per month. Visit the Cañada Lyft webpage for more information. For questions, please contact or (650) 306-3364.

Catch a Ride on the Cañada Shuttle!

The Cañada College shuttle offers students free shuttle service directly to campus from East Palo Alto and Menlo Park. The shuttle operates from 7 a.m.-12:15 p.m. and 3:15-7:45 p.m. Monday-Thursday through May 27, 2022. Visit for the latest schedule updates.


Library Late Hours

To accommodate students preparing for finals, the Library will be open until 8 p.m. the following nights: Tuesday, May 24 and Wednesday, May 25. The Learning Center is open until 8 p.m. every Monday and Thursday night.


SparkPoint Food Pantry Re-Opens!

Stop by and pick up FREE healthy and nutritious food at the SparkPoint Food Pantry! The Pantry is located in Building 5, Room 202 and will be open from 12-3 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays starting this week! The entire campus and greater community is welcome. Each week we’ll distribute a variety of frozen foods, milk, eggs, fruits, vegetables, rice, beans and many other options. Our selection this week includes frozen fish fillets, mac and cheese and organic carrots! Thanks to our partner, Second Harvest Food Bank of Silicon Valley, we will be open throughout the summer. When you visit us, we’ll ask you what items you’d like and we’ll package them for you so don’t forget to bring your reusable bags. Sign up or drop in! Call (650) 381-3550 for more information. We look forward to seeing soon.


Get Free Access to New York Times Online

All Cañada students, staff, and faculty can now get free access to the New York Times online edition! To activate a new pass or renew a current pass follow these instructions:
On Campus: Activate a new pass by visiting
Off Campus: Registering on the NYTimes Off-campus Access Page.


May 25

Drop In Citation Help

10-11 a.m.
Zoom Registration:

Drop in for individual help with Works Cited and References pages. Learn where to find citation guides on the Cañada College Library and Purdue University OWL websites and how to find the right format for your source.


May 27

Day & Evening Classes End


Commencement Rehearsal – 2-3 p.m. on Upper Lawn


Interior Design Awards & Graduation Program

12 - 1 p.m.
Building 22, Room 137 and via Zoom  

Dream, Create and Achieve! The Interior Design invites the campus community to a graduation event for its students.


May 28

54th Annual Commencement

10 a.m.
Upper Lawn

Celebrate the Class of 2022 as they revel in their scholastic accomplishment with the campus community, family and friends. Visit for the latest updates.


June 1

EOPS End of Year Celebration

4:30-6:30 p.m.
Amphitheatre at Upper Lawn

EOPS invites the campus community to recognize our EOPS students who are graduating and/or transferring to a university.


June 13

Summer Session begins


For a complete listing of events, visit:



For disability-related accommodations, please email: or call (650) 306-3234.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of May 16, 2022

What's Happening at Cañada Header 

Week of May 16, 2022

Verify Your Vaccination Status for Summer & Fall 2022 Registration

For students who plan to register for in-person, hybrid, or hyflex courses, or any on-campus programming or services, you will be required to submit proof of your COVID-19 vaccination or apply for an exemption prior to registering, if you have not done so already. If you have already submitted proof of your COVID-19 Vaccination, you do NOT need to re-submit. You do not need to submit proof of a Booster vaccination. Please visit the Return to Campus website for instructions on how to verify your vaccination status or apply for an exemption. In addition, there is a FAQ Page with detailed information on all types of questions relating to a return to being in-person and on campus.


Summer Registration is Open! Fall Registration Opens to All on May 18. Schedules Available on WebSchedule

Register now for Summer 2022 using WebSmart. You can also browse available classes in WebSchedule for the upcoming Summer and Fall 2022 semesters. Fall 2022 registration opens to all on May 18.


COVID-19 Testing & At-Home Antigen Tests Available Districtwide

Employees, students and the broader community with or without symptoms can test via our partnership with COVID Clinic. Free PCR is available Monday – Thursday from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., and Friday from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. In addition, students can pick-up a free at-home antigen (rapid) testing kit. Testing kits are readily available at the entrance of every Bookstore. Please visit our COVID-19 Testing webpage for more details.


Free Lyft Rides Now Offered to Cañada College

Cañada College is now offering free Lyft rides for Cañada students! The program is intended to help make it easier and more affordable for you to get to your in-person classes and support services at Cañada College.

How to Sign Up:

Complete the registration form. Once your information is validated and you are approved, you’ll receive an email invitation from Lyft Business. Follow the steps in the email to complete the signup process and receive the eligible ride allotments! Students are allotted up to 40 rides per month. Visit the Cañada Lyft webpage for more information. For questions, please contact or (650) 306-3364.

Catch a Ride on the Cañada Shuttle!

The Cañada College shuttle offers students free shuttle service directly to campus from East Palo Alto and Menlo Park. The shuttle operates from 7 a.m.-12:15 p.m. and 3:15-7:45 p.m. Monday-Thursday through May 27, 2022. Visit for the latest schedule updates.


Library Late Hours

To accommodate students preparing for finals, the Library will be open until 8 p.m. the following nights: Tuesday, May 17, Wednesday, May 18, Tuesday, May 24 and Wednesday, May 25. The Learning Center is open until 8 p.m. every Monday and Thursday night.


Become a Tutor with the Learning Center

Are you looking to help your classmates in a leadership role? Do you have good communication and leadership skills? The Learning Center is hiring Student Tutors in all subjects for the Fall 2022 Semester. Students must be enrolled in at least six units. For more information visit


May 17

Connect to College

5:30-8:30 p.m.
Building 5 – The Grove

This event serves as a community open house for prospective students and their families. Connect to College will include a resource fair where the community can meet and learn more about our academic programs and student services available to help them to achieve their goals. The event will also feature a student panel on academic pathways as well as several workshops ranging from Pathways Options, Financial Aid, Transfer and ESL. RSVP at:


May 18

Drop In Citation Help

10-11 a.m.
Zoom Registration:

Drop in for individual help with Works Cited and References pages. Learn where to find citation guides on the Cañada College Library and Purdue University OWL websites and how to find the right format for your source.


Latinx Graduation Recognition Ceremony

6-8 p.m.
Building 6, Rooms 101/102

Join us in celebrating the academic achievements of Cañada Latinx students for the 2021-2022 academic school year. We will hear from campus leaders, student speakers, and give out certificates of recognition. Appetizers and dessert will be provided.


May 19

Reliable Sources: Looking at Websites

12-1 p.m.
Zoom Link:

Not sure if your source is valid? Confused by fake news or disinformation on the internet? Worried that the websites you're using might not be good enough for your professor? Drop in and we'll go over what you've found! We can determine if what you have is good, and teach you how to confirm your sources in the future.


May 20

Facilities Forum

2:30-3:30 p.m.
Zoom Link:

The entire campus community is invited to the College Facilities/Construction Forum(via Zoom). The purpose of the forum is to provide our college community with important construction/facility-related updates.


May 23

Citation Overview and Drop In Help

6-8 p.m.
Zoom Registration:

Join a librarian for a brief overview of what information you need to create a citation of anything from a journal article to a tweet. Learn where to find citation guides on the Cañada College Library and Purdue University OWL websites and how to find the right format for your source. A PPT presentation is attached including worksheets for APA and MLA citations.


May 25

Drop In Citation Help

10-11 a.m.
Zoom Registration:

Drop in for individual help with Works Cited and References pages. Learn where to find citation guides on the Cañada College Library and Purdue University OWL websites and how to find the right format for your source.


May 27

Day & Evening Classes End


Commencement Rehearsal – 2-3 p.m. on Upper Lawn


Interior Design Awards & Graduation Program

12 - 1 p.m.
Building 22, Room 137 and via Zoom  

Dream, Create and Achieve! The Interior Design invites the campus community to a graduation event for its students.


May 28

54th Annual Commencement

10 a.m.
Upper Lawn

Celebrate the Class of 2022 as they revel in their scholastic accomplishment with the campus community, family and friends. Visit for the latest updates.


For a complete listing of events, visit:



For disability-related accommodations, please email: or call (650) 306-3234.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Beta Zeta Nu Students Host Special Event Featuring Woarani Environmental Activist Edenega Cahuiya



                                                          Photo: Edenega “Huiya” Cahuiya

This semester members of the Cañada PTK Chapter, Beta Zeta Nu (BZN), have been working on an international service project with Edenega “Huiya” Cahuiya. Huiya is the young chief of the Waorani people, an indigenous community living in the Yasuní bioreserve, which is located in the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador. He and his community are fighting against the oil extraction, deforestation and illegal hunting that are destroying the ecosystem of their home. The chapter has translated and produced informational videos recorded by Huiya in the rainforest near his home. On May 6, the chapter planned a special event (HyFlex - in person and virtually) that featured Huiya as the guest speaker. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Huiya was unable to attend the event though the students shared his message through a prerecorded video. In his place they interviewed Jaral “Fernando” Vaca. Fernando is a ecotourism guide and naturalist who has worked with the Waorani people in the Amazon and in in other environmentally threatened regions throughout Ecuador. Fernando joined us in a zoom webinar during which BZN students interviewed him about his environmental work and his ideas on how to get young people (both in Ecuador and the US) involved in the environmental movement.

After the interview Professor Alison Field led a discussion entitled: Our relationship to the land and the people -- the role of indigenous knowledge, expertise and leadership in sustainability and climate action efforts. There were many ideas generated during the discussion including the possibility of creating a nature trail around the perimeter of campus so that students and the community could enjoy a closer relationship to the amazing beauty that is found here. Additionally, Professor Mahoney led a discussion focused on the big picture of habitat destruction with a focus on climate change (though not exclusively through that lens). And also what we can do to support efforts in Ecuador, the greater Amazon basin and what specific actions we can take in our communities. Discussion naturally led to encouraging students, faculty and staff to become involved in the District’s first Climate Action Planning process.

The event was a first for Cañada College in that during the webinar BZN officers Diana Castro and Anthony Leon Chumputazi interviewed Fernando in Spanish while a professional translator provided simultaneous translation to English speaking participants in a second room. Pulling off a major event like this is never simple. Under the leadership of chapter officer Giovanna Mancinelli, the team learned about event planning and collaboration.. During the meeting student officer Sheridan Stewart and PTK advisor/Cañada alum Katherine Ramirez took questions in English and translated them into Spanish and then shared them with the students who were interviewing the speaker in a google doc. The result was a presentation in which questions and answers flowed naturally. The students look forward to continued interaction with Huiya and Fernando as they build this finish up this community service project.



Best Practices and Resources in Support of our Muslim Students and Colleagues

Dear Cañada Community, As we approach Ramadan, the Office of Equity and Cultural Center have prepared a series of best practices for you to ...