Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Register Early for Spring Semester! Update Your Student Education Plan

How would you like to register early for spring semester? It's possible if you complete your Student Education Plan (SEP) by Oct. 26. A Student Education Plan serves as a road map of required courses and recommendations based on your individual educational goal. Counselors are available now on a drop-in or appointment basis to help you with your SEP.

To schedule an appointment go to the Counseling Department, Bldg. 9 –first floor, or call 650-306-3452 and let the Welcome Center staff know you want an SEP appointment. New students must complete a College Orientation and Assessment to be eligible to schedule a counseling appointment.

Counselors can help you identify and plan courses related to your personal, academic and career goals. You need to complete your SEP so you are prepared for registration during the first week of November. You will receive an earlier registration date if you complete your SEP by Oct. 26.

Don't wait, complete your Student Educational Plan by Oct. 26 and register early for Fall Semester!

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