Tuesday, March 5, 2013

ASCC Election for Student Trustee Underway

The Associated Students of Cañada College is hosting an election to select a nominee from Cañada for the office of Student Trustee for the San Mateo County Community College District.

Election packets are available in the Center for Student Life and Leadership, Building 5, Room 354. The deadline to turn in the election packets is Wednesday, March 20 at 5 p.m. The election will be held March 25-26.

The winner of the election will be forwarded to the Student Trustee Appointment Panel on Saturday, April 13 at the District Office where they will go against the Skyline and CSM elected student trustee nominee for the final spot of District Student Trustee.

All interested students are encouraged to apply. The term of the District Student Trustee will be April 2013 through June 2014.
Minimum Qualifications to Run for Office

As stated in ASCC Constitution and Bylaws, SMCCCD Rules and Regulations and the California Education Code, in order hold the office of Student Trustee:
  • Students must be currently enrolled in at least six (6) units of credit at Cañada College.
  • Must have and maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 while running for office and while serving their term in office, and must show they have completed 50% of their classes each semester.
  • The Student Trustee must fulfill the requirements as outlined in District Rules & Regulations Section 1.05.
  • Must complete the Election Candidate Eligibility Form, complete 100 Word Statement and attach Non-official transcript.
  • Must collect fifty (50) signatures of currently enrolled students at Cañada College and attend an ASCC meeting.
Minimum Levels of Commitment

As outlined in Section 1.05 of District Rules and Regulations:
  1. Attendance at the SMCCCD District Board of Trustee meetings. The Student Trustee shall study the documents that are presented to the Board of Trustees at regular meetings and study sessions and represent student interests on these matters before the Board. Regular meetings are usually at 6pm in the evening. Currently, they have been on Wednesday nights.
  2. The Student Trustee shall call and attend one District Student Council meeting each month to review the upcoming Board of Trustees’ agenda and to discuss issues before the Board of Trustees.  In addition, the Student Trustee shall attend Student Council meetings at the Colleges at least once per semester.
  3. Through the District Student Council, the Student Trustee shall keep the Student Council at each College informed about issues brought before the Board of Trustees and shall seek student input on these issues.
Benefits for Serving as the Student Trustee

Compensation: Currently, the Student Trustee earns a maximum of $281.50 per month for serving as Trustee and is eligible, at the Board’s discretion, for an additional $3,378 service award if s/he has fulfilled the duties of the position for a 12-month period. The district provides the elected Student Trustee with Dental, Life Insurance, Medical, Vision, Worker’s Compensation. The Student Trustee may claim mileage for attending board meetings and other official District business as authorized by the Board; the mileage allowance for 2013 is $0.565 per year.

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