Monday, December 2, 2013

Career, Technical Programs on Display Dec. 5 for High School Students

Approximately 200 students from five local high schools will descend on campus Thursday, Dec. 5 to learn about a variety of career and technical programs available at Cañada.

"We'll be hosting students from Capuchino, Carlmont, Menlo-Atherton, Sequoia and Woodside high schools," said Mallory Stevens, event organizer and assistant professor in the Business, Design & Workforce Division. "The presentations will focus on three programs: Multimedia Art, Fashion and Merchandising, and Computer Science."

Stevens said the program is designed to educate students about career and technical programs available at Cañada in addition to possible careeers available in those fields. Students will also receive a personalized tour of campus that focuses on the services available outside the classroom.

The high schools were invited based on the career and technical education pathways they offered. "We want to show students that they can go to college, study the subject they've enjoyed in high school, and prepare for a number of career paths."

For more information about the event, contact Stevens at

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