Monday, April 28, 2014

Student Satisfaction Survey

The Office of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness recently completed a student satisfaction survey of Cañada students. The results provide a remarkable picture of our student body's experience here at the college. The surveys were distributed via email and we received more than 1,000 student responses to sixty questions. The questions covered their background, goals, and experiences with both academic and student services on campus. Among the findings:

  1. 97.2% of students indicated that they would recommend Cañada College to a family member or friends.  
  2. While some current students said they would have preferred to begin their educations at a CSU or UC, 92.3% said that they would start at Cañada College if they had it to do all over again. 
  3. 93.1% of students rated their education experience at Cañada as “Excellent” or “Above Average.” 
Among our favorite comments, one student wrote, “I don’t think I would still be in school if I had ended up elsewhere.” And, nothing beats this comment: “Cañada College is the best in the bay area.”

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