Friday, March 18, 2016

‪Cañada Community Partners with Second Harvest Food Bank in Can Sort

Today, 18 members of our campus community (students, staff and administration) participated in a Can Sort for Second Harvest Food Bank. In only 1.5 hours, our team helped sort 6,000 pounds of food that will be distributed to families throughout the Peninsula, including our own SparkPoint Food Pantry. 

A special thank you to members of Cañada College’s Associated Students, SparkPoint, Upward Bound and the President’s Office/Marketing & Outreach for participating in the event.  We had a great time serving our community! #iCANserve

Campus community help sort 6,000 pounds of food that will be distributed to families throughout the Peninsula

Campus community help sort 6,000 pounds of food that will be distributed to families throughout the PeninsulaCampus community help sort 6,000 pounds of food that will be distributed to families throughout the Peninsula

Campus community help sort 6,000 pounds of food that will be distributed to families throughout the Peninsula

Campus community help sort 6,000 pounds of food that will be distributed to families throughout the Peninsula

Campus community help sort 6,000 pounds of food that will be distributed to families throughout the Peninsula

Campus community help sort 6,000 pounds of food that will be distributed to families throughout the Peninsula

Campus community help sort 6,000 pounds of food that will be distributed to families throughout the Peninsula

Campus community help sort 6,000 pounds of food that will be distributed to families throughout the Peninsula

Campus community help sort 6,000 pounds of food that will be distributed to families throughout the Peninsula

Campus community help sort 6,000 pounds of food that will be distributed to families throughout the Peninsula

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