Monday, June 13, 2016

Cañada Students & Faculty Prepare for Semesters Abroad

Cañada Students & Faculty Prepare for Semesters Abroad

Beginning this summer, Cañada College students and faculty will embark on a series of extraordinary opportunities to study/teach abroad in several magical European cities!
Fashion Professor Ronda Chaney will be teaching a short-term study abroad course in Florence, Italy, FASH 880 (Introduction to Italian Fashion), this summer from June 11 to June 25.  Twenty students have enrolled in the class, participated in two pre-departure orientations and are excited to participate in this educational experience abroad.  The study abroad opportunity is a partnership between Cañada College and the American Institute for Foreign Study.  During the two-weeks, students will complete a 2.5 unit course on Italian Fashion.  The Fashion Industry will be analyzed from pre-World War II to the present day with an understanding of how Italian designers, fabrics, and manufacturing techniques have had global implications.  A history study will include field trips to textile centers and fashion museums. Students are especially excited that they will be attending Fashion Week during the time they are in Florence. 
In addition, English Professor Salumeh Eslamieh will be teaching ENGL 110 and two Literature courses in London in the Fall 2016 semester. Twenty nine SMCCD students (and other students from Contra Costa, Los Rios, and Santa Rosa Community College Districts) will be in the semester long London program that includes a British Life and Culture Course.

Finally, Anthropology Professor Jessica Marshall is currently recruiting students for a Spring 2017 semester in Florence, Italy where she will be teaching ANTH 110 (Introduction to Cultural Anthropology), ANTH 125 (Introduction to Physical Anthropology) and ANTH 351 (Archaeology).  History Professor Alison Field has also been approved to teach in Barcelona, Spain for the Fall 2017 semester.  These study abroad programs are in collaboration with the American Institute for Foreign Study’s Northern California Study Abroad Consortium.  For more information, please visit

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Cañada College President Named

San Mateo County Community College District                             

Cañada College President Named      

June, 2016

Contact:  Chancellor Ron Galatolo


 Cañada College President Named

Dave Mandelkern, president of the Board of Trustees of the San Mateo County Community College District, announced today that following a nationwide search attracting more than 47 candidates, Dr. Jamillah Moore has been selected to be the eleventh president of Cañada College in Redwood City, California.  Dr. Moore currently serves as the District’s Interim Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Planning. 

“From a strong field of candidates, the Board has selected an experienced, talented and dedicated community college educator to lead Cañada College,” Mandelkern said. “We believe President-elect Moore will continue Cañada’s strong tradition of providing leading-edge educational opportunities and support services that help ensure student success.” 

Dr. Moore’s accomplishments, skills, educational background, and training reflect a commitment to the philosophy and mission of California Community Colleges.  At every level, her career has been a reflection of the college mission of an inclusive and effective learning and working environment for all. She has served as Senior Vice Chancellor for Governmental and External Relations in the System Office of the California Community Colleges, Interim President of Compton Community College, President of Los Angeles City College and Chancellor of the Ventura County Community College District. Dr. Moore has also been a teacher, beginning her career at Sierra Community College. On occasion, she has returned to the classroom as an adjunct professor in the Communications Studies and Multicultural Education Departments at California State University, Sacramento.

Dr. Moore is a graduate of the University of San Francisco, where she earned a doctorate in International and Multicultural Education. She is also a former EOPS student and graduate of California State University, Sacramento, where she earned a Masters in Intercultural Communication and Public Policy and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Campus Construction Updates

Campus Construction Updates

In November 2014, our community voters approved Measure H to support capital construction and modernization at all three campuses in our district. Measure H provides $133 Million to Cañada College for the construction of two new buildings, and modernization and updates of three buildings. 

As we wrap up the Spring 2016 semester, many people are wondering why we have not seen any construction on campus yet.  Throughout the year, there have been a number of smaller projects on campus as we prepare to start major capital construction. One of the major undertakings has been to develop all the project documents, cost estimates, and updated project timeline.

Here is the latest schedule for the ‘first wave’ projects:
Project Name
Vacate Existing Building
Construction Start
Building 1 – Kinesiology and Wellness
Building 23 – Science

As with any construction project, the timeline is subject to change. We will provide updates at our Fall Opening Day and throughout the semester to keep the campus community aware of timelines, preparations, and other small projects. 

The latest updates and timelines can also be found on the Administrative Services webpage:

Student Success Story: Former ESL Student, Now Published Poet and Adjunct ESL Professor

Former ESL Student, Now Published Poet and Adjunct 

ESL Professor Gerardo Pacheco

The end of the academic year provides a moment to reflect upon, and celebrate, successes of our students who have achieved the goals that they set while at Cañada, as well as the preparation for the next steps in their respective journeys. This student success story is very special as the ultimate goal was to return to where his journey began… Cañada College.

“I first met Gerardo when he was a student in one of my ESL classes,” recalled Cañada ESL Professor Jenny Castello.  “When he was in my ESL Reading Level 3 class, I remember noticing him as a student in this class because he was very eager to learn and was very engaged in class.  By the time I had him in ESL Grammar 4, he had become a student with very strong motivation to succeed and very good academic skills.”

Gerardo continued on his educational pathway at Cañada where he earned his Associate in Arts Degree in English with High Honors and transferred to San Francisco State University (SFSU) with a scholarship.  He stayed in touch with the College while at SFSU and was invited back as a guest speaker (and read some of his poetry) at Cañada’s ESL Recognition Event.  He continued his education at SFSU and earned a Master of Fine Art degree in Creative Writing and just last year, earned a certificate in Teaching English as Second Language (TESOL).  Gerardo also completed his student teaching in Professor Castello’s ESL 912 class where she shared that Gerardo was very easy to work with as a student teacher because he worked hard to prepare for the lessons that he taught and connected right away with the students.
Gerardo is now an award-winning and published Poet, Creative Writing Instructor at SFSU and also teaches ESL 901 Language Skills for Workforce Careers at Puente de la Costa Sur in Pescadero; the program is part of Cañada’s off-campus ESL Program and in collaboration with La Costa Adult School and Puente de la Costa Sur, one of the College’s ACCEL partners. In addition, last year, he was invited to be part of the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, one of the oldest and recognized writers’ retreats in the nation, and this summer, he will be joining some of the most well-known Latin writers at the CantoMundo Writers’ Retreat and Macondo Workshop in Texas and the Frost Place writer’s retreat in Franconia, New Hampshire. 

“One of the many things I have dreamt in my life is teaching at Cañada College,” shared Gerardo. “As an undocumented student, Cañada College gave me the tools to dream. At Cañada, I learned to read, write and pursue a career. I also found mentors like Jenny Castello. She is a great teacher, role model, friend, mentor and I wish to be a fraction of the teacher she is. Cañada College gave me a chance to succeed regardless of my legal status. At Cañada College, I feel like I have a real family. Teaching at Cañada has fulfilled my promise to give back to my community. I believe I can have a positive influence on my students’ lives by sharing my life story. I always tell my students, ‘If I could reach my dreams, you can do it too.’  Coming back to Cañada is a dream come true.”

Congratulations, Gerardo, on your many accomplishments! We are so lucky to have you as a part of our Cañada family. Thank you for inspiring our students to achieve their dreams.

Best Practices and Resources in Support of our Muslim Students and Colleagues

Dear Cañada Community, As we approach Ramadan, the Office of Equity and Cultural Center have prepared a series of best practices for you to ...