Monday, June 13, 2016

Cañada Students & Faculty Prepare for Semesters Abroad

Cañada Students & Faculty Prepare for Semesters Abroad

Beginning this summer, Cañada College students and faculty will embark on a series of extraordinary opportunities to study/teach abroad in several magical European cities!
Fashion Professor Ronda Chaney will be teaching a short-term study abroad course in Florence, Italy, FASH 880 (Introduction to Italian Fashion), this summer from June 11 to June 25.  Twenty students have enrolled in the class, participated in two pre-departure orientations and are excited to participate in this educational experience abroad.  The study abroad opportunity is a partnership between Cañada College and the American Institute for Foreign Study.  During the two-weeks, students will complete a 2.5 unit course on Italian Fashion.  The Fashion Industry will be analyzed from pre-World War II to the present day with an understanding of how Italian designers, fabrics, and manufacturing techniques have had global implications.  A history study will include field trips to textile centers and fashion museums. Students are especially excited that they will be attending Fashion Week during the time they are in Florence. 
In addition, English Professor Salumeh Eslamieh will be teaching ENGL 110 and two Literature courses in London in the Fall 2016 semester. Twenty nine SMCCD students (and other students from Contra Costa, Los Rios, and Santa Rosa Community College Districts) will be in the semester long London program that includes a British Life and Culture Course.

Finally, Anthropology Professor Jessica Marshall is currently recruiting students for a Spring 2017 semester in Florence, Italy where she will be teaching ANTH 110 (Introduction to Cultural Anthropology), ANTH 125 (Introduction to Physical Anthropology) and ANTH 351 (Archaeology).  History Professor Alison Field has also been approved to teach in Barcelona, Spain for the Fall 2017 semester.  These study abroad programs are in collaboration with the American Institute for Foreign Study’s Northern California Study Abroad Consortium.  For more information, please visit

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