Tuesday, September 15, 2020

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of September 14, 2020

Week of September 14, 2020



September 15

Virtual Author Event: jessica Care moore

3-4:30 p.m.
Event Log in: https://bit.ly/31s7Aui

Please join internationally renowned poet, playwright, performance artist, and producer jessica Care moore as she talks about her life, her art, her activism, and her new book We Want Our Bodies Back. The first 75 students who log into the event and place their name in chat will receive a free copy of jessica’s new book!


September 16

STEM Speaker Series – Danielle McCarthy, Chemistry PhD Candidate, Stanford University

5-6 p.m.
Event Log in, Zoom Meeting ID: 97210972164 

From community college student to PhD candidate, Danielle McCarthy shares her journey through STEM Academia. All are invited to listen to the presenter which most of whom are Cañada alum. We will have the same format as in person except there are no back-row seats. Submit your questions to the speaker and get answers. Please visit the STEM Canvas page to see the most recent event videos.


September 17

Activism and Change in 2020

2:15-3:45 p.m.
Event Login: https://smccd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_PDz_TUVLTlSowzYIzMK2AA

What does activism mean to you? How does your understanding of social justice inform your activism? Do we live in a better world compared to May 2020? Professors Terzakis, Eck, Ware, and Smith will discuss some of the social upheavals that have occurred in 2020. Much of the conversation will focus on student submitted questions related to social justice and activism in 2020. We invite participants to complete a Pre-Meeting Survey by September 11. 


September 23

Amazon Virtual Information and Q&A Session

11 a.m. 

Event Login: https://zoom.us/j/99887989347?pwd=aC9Nd1c0a3VydVAwWjFUbGRHQ2QrZz09

The Career Center is hosting a virtual information session with Amazon! As you may know, Amazon is rapidly growing in the Bay Area creating new and exciting opportunities for job seekers in the community. If you are interested in finding out about these wonderful opportunities please join us using the event link above.

STEM Speaker Series – Chris Rodriguez, Software Engineer, Koh’s Department Store Company

5-6 p.m.
Event Log in, Zoom Meeting ID: 97210972164 

Chris will share his STEM journey. All are invited to listen to the presenter which most of whom are Cañada alum. We will have the same format as in person except there are no back-row seats. Submit your questions to the speaker and get answers. Please visit the STEM Canvas page to see the most recent event videos.


September 24

Facilities Forum

2-3:30 p.m.
Event Login: https://smccd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dhsbiSpGQy6RqU0PNJSazA

The SMCCD Facilities Team will share updates on the progress of the campus capital (construction) projects. They will also provide an update regarding the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Plan and upcoming public comment period occurring in September and October.


September 30

STEM Speaker Series –Michael Lewis, Systems Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories

5-6 p.m.
Event Log in, Zoom Meeting ID: 97210972164 

All are invited to listen to the presenter which most of whom are Cañada alum. We will have the same format as in person except there are no back-row seats. Submit your questions to the speaker and get answers. Please visit the STEM Canvas page to see the most recent event videos.


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