Tuesday, February 9, 2021

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of February 8, 2021

Week of February 8, 2021


Community & Connections

Every Monday through March 29 at 12 p.m.
Register for Zoom link to: barrya@smccd.edu or slaveta@smccd.edu

The Personal Counseling Center (PCC) is hosting a social group dedicated to helping students build community. The group will focus on opening ourselves up to new ideas, new friends and finding ways to build strong ties with others. All students are welcome!


Application Workshops for Cañada College Scholarships

The 2021-22 Cañada College/SMCCCD Scholarship Application is open! The deadline to submit your application is March 2, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. 

Need assistance? Attend a Scholarship Zoom Workshops to receive assistance with creating your AcademicWorks login and completing the application or view our NEW step by step videos at SMCCCD Scholarship Application TV.

Scholarship Workshop Dates:

  • Tuesday, February 9 at 5 p.m.
  • Wednesday, February 10 at 11 a.m.
  • Thursday, February 11 at 10 a.m.
  • Monday, February 22 at 10 a.m.
  • Tuesday, March 2 at 8 a.m.

Sign up HERE to attend a workshop. For more information, please visit our scholarship website.


February 10

STEM Speaker Series – Hypothesis: Practicing Yoga Compels Wisdom and Well-Being | Scientific Proof That Humans Can Self-Heal

5-6 p.m.
Event Log in, Zoom Meeting ID: 972 1097 2164 

Featured speaker is Cañada Alumni and Assistant Professor at Cañada College, Vera Quijano. All are invited to listen to the presenter which most of whom are Cañada alum. We will have the same format as in person except there are no back-row seats. Submit your questions to the speaker and get answers. Please visit the STEM Canvas page to see the most recent event videos.


February 12-15

Declared Recess for Lincoln’s Birthday & President’s Day


February 16

Latino Thought Makers Virtual Event featuring Actor Luis Guzman 

3:30-5 p.m.
Registration Link: https://tinyurl.com/LTMFeb16

Please join the Cañada College community for a presentation by Latino Thought Makers, a platform that provides a respectful and inclusive safe-space for educational discussions about all social, racial, and cultural issues with knowledgeable and highly-esteemed guest speakers. The featured guest is Actor Luis Guzman. Luis was born in Puerto Rico and grew up in Manhattan. He worked as a Youth Counselor while performing in street theatre and independent films and graduated from The City College of New York. Since Luis’ big break on “Miami Vice” he has appeared in more than 100 feature films including: “We’re the Millers,” “Boogie Nights,”, “Magnolia,” “Traffic,” “Turbo,” “Punch Drunk Love,” and “Carlito’s Way.” 


February 17

STEM Speaker Series – Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus

5-6 p.m.
Event Log in, Zoom Meeting ID: 972 1097 2164 

Featured speaker is Cañada Alumni and Quality Manager-Materials Engineers at NAVAIR, Esther Chan. All are invited to listen to the presenter which most of whom are Cañada alum. We will have the same format as in person except there are no back-row seats. Submit your questions to the speaker and get answers. Please visit the STEM Canvas page to see the most recent event videos.


21st Annual Animation Show of Shows

7 p.m.
Event Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/21st-annual-animation-show-of-shows-canada-college-streamqa-tickets-134293715117.

The Digital Art & Animation Department, in association with ASCC, is proud to present the 21st Annual Animation Show of Shows online. The family-friendly Animation Show of Shows compiles the best independent short animated films from around the world, and is an exploration of themes, techniques, and styles that are not often seen in mainstream studio animation. The show will be introduced by producer Ron Diamond, who will also take part in a Q&A after the screening. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link (the show will be screened via Vimeo). Students must include their G-number in the reservation request.


February 23

Facilities Forum

2-3:30 p.m.
Event Registration: https://smccd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Yp_oUuF3TGGn0k9Q7-Q9HQ

Please join us for the College’s Facilities/Construction Forumwhere we will provide our college community with important construction/facility-related updates. The Question & Answer portion will be done in two ways. Everyone will be able to submit a question before the forum or you can have the option of doing so during the update. Immediately following the campus updates, the panelists will answer as many questions as possible. Take a moment to please submit your questions here.


STEM Speaker Series – Tracking the Coronavirus in San Mateo County

5-6 p.m.
Event Log in, Zoom Meeting ID: 972 1097 2164 

Featured speaker is Cañada Alumni and Communicable Disease Investigator for County of San Mateo, Melissa Ibarra. All are invited to listen to the presenter which most of whom are Cañada alum. We will have the same format as in person except there are no back-row seats. Submit your questions to the speaker and get answers. Please visit the STEM Canvas page to see the most recent event videos.


February 24

Spring Virtual Internship Fair 2021

10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Employer Zoom Links: http://bit.ly/3ppygWf

Please join us for our Virtual Internship Fair! This event is for all students to help you facilitate learning opportunities outside the classroom. These experiences provide opportunities for you to apply classroom theory to "real world" situations, thus enhancing academic and career goals. So, whether you need practicum experience for your major, or would just like to "try on" positions to help you decide on a major, you should attend this event. For a list of attending employers and the link to their sessions, please click the Link above. New employers are added frequently.



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