Tuesday, April 13, 2021

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of April 12, 2021


Week of April 12, 2021


April 12-15

Spring Wellness Fair

12-3 p.m.
Event Link: https://www.canadacollege.edu/pcc/upcomingevents.php

Come learn tips on how to take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally while taking online classes. Join in three 30-minute sessions held per day. Topics include: COVID-19 stress, healthy habits, mindfulness and much more!


April 13

Black Student Excellence: Past and Present

3-4:30 p.m.
Event Link: https://tinyurl.com/BSUexcellence

Join the Cañada College Black Student Union (BSU) as we celebrate Black Student Excellence: Past and Present! Learn about the experiences of Black Cañadians from a panel featuring current and former students.


April 14

Spring Virtual Job Fair

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Event Link: https://bit.ly/2O5qUtl 

The Career Center invites all students to participate in the Spring Job Fair. The goal is to provide students with an opportunity to speak with employers who are hiring and find out more about their company. Currently, 50+ Employers are confirmed to attend and the list of employers will be updated daily. Even if you are not looking for work, you may see an employer you would like to know more about, so this is a great opportunity to build your network.

How to Attend: Because this semesters event is a virtual format, each employer will have a unique Zoom, or other video link for you to join their session on April 14. Please click this link for a list of attending employers.


April 15

Info Meeting: Transferring to the Rennes School of Business in France

10 a.m.
Event Registration Link: http://bit.ly/transfer-rennes

Attend virtual information meeting with a representative from the Rennes School of Business (RSB) in France to learn about transferring into the third year of their International Bachelor Program in Business Management to complete your B.A. in one year after receiving your Associate’s from an SMCCCD College. Hear not only from an RSB admissions representative but also from SMCCCD alumni who transferred to RSB.


Spring Virtual Transfer Day

1-3 p.m.
Event Registration Link: bit.ly/Transfer21

More than 30 college representatives from several UC and CSU campuses, as well as private colleges will be in attendance. University admission professionals are happy to answer your questions regarding admissions requirements, majors, financial aid, transfer student support programs, housing, campus life, and more! Do not miss this opportunity to help you explore your future transfer university! For list of universities attending, please visit: https://canadacollege.edu/transfercenter/.


What Are Accommodations?

4 p.m.
Event Link: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/83392969332?pwd=WXVMWHVNM2JHZDJDVVNadVp4Z2dDZz09

The Disability Resources Center (DRC) Student Ambassador Club invites students to learn more about accommodations provided by the DRC at Cañada College, the qualifications of one and how to request one.


April 19

Workshop: Identify Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC)

6-9 p.m.
Zoom Registration: https://smccd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArd-uopz0iHdzxv-jC-OLI-QzRujJIWrmF

The entire college community; staff, faculty and students are invited to this workshop on how to identify Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC). The workshop is provided by the Education & Human Development's Foster & Kinship Care Education Grant in collaboration with the County of San Mateo Human Services Agency.


April 22

Flex Day – No classes


April 23

Library Introduction with Charley the Dog

3-4 p.m.
Event Page: https://canadacollege.libcal.com/calendar/online-events

Hear a short overview of library services and resources such as research and technology assistance, free streaming film access, academic resources, and more. Featuring Charley, the singing Labrador!



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