Tuesday, March 22, 2022

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of March 21, 2022

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Week of March 21, 2022


Onsite COVID-19 Testing & At-Home Antigen Tests Available Districtwide

Employees, students and the broader community with or without symptoms can test via our partnership with COVID Clinic. Free PCR is available Monday – Thursday from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., and Friday from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. In addition, students can pick-up a free at-home antigen (rapid) testing kit. Testing kits are readily available at the entrance of every Bookstore. Please visit our COVID-19 Testing webpage for more details.


Deadline Extension of April 8 to Apply for Spring 2022 Degree and Certificate

The last day for students to apply for their Spring 2022 Degree and Certificate and be included in the Commencement program is Friday, April 8, 2022. Counseling appointments are available for students to get assistance in submitting their application. Please schedule an appointment through the Student Success Link portal or by contacting the Welcome Center at (650) 306-3452 or canadawelcomecenter@smccd.edu. We recommend that students make an appointment as soon as possible.


Parking Permit Machine Update: Cash Option

The new parking permit system that started at the beginning of the semester is in full swing. The grace period has ended, and permits are now required to park on campus. There are currently two cash parking machines in each college that are working, tested and accepting payment. At Cañada, the machines are located at Lot 3 (Tennis Court Parking Lot) – Easy access immediately after entry to college (Bills and coin) and Lot 6B (Middle of Lot 6 – largest parking lot at Cañada. (Bills and coin). Any questions about parking can be directed to the Public Safety main line at 650-738-7000.


Cañada Shuttle Expands Service to Menlo Park

The Cañada College shuttle has expanded its service to the Belle Haven Branch Library in Menlo Park! The shuttle offers students free shuttle service directly to campus from East Palo Alto and Menlo Park. The shuttle operates from 7 a.m.-12:15 p.m. and 3:15-7:45 p.m. Monday-Thursday through May 27, 2022. Visit canadacollege.edu/shuttle for the latest schedule updates.


Your Voice Matters!

Only 4 more days to respond to this important survey to help Cañada understand the diverse experiences students are having. The survey holds your place in it, so you don’t have to complete it all at once. But please do complete it! Students who complete the whole survey (about 20 minutes) will be entered into a raffle to win $25 gift cards.


March 23 & 24

Campus Forums for Presidental Finalists

Cañada College is currently in the process of hiring a new President. As part of the College’s hiring process, we will invite finalist candidates to participate in virtual forums where they will be able to present their vision for the College. In order for our campus to hear from each candidate, we will be holding a series of virtual forums:




Zoom Link

Wednesday, March 23

2-3 p.m.

Dr. Lisa Cooper Wilkins


Wednesday, March 23

3:154:15 p.m.

Dr. Tammy Robinson


Thursday, March 24

9-10 a.m.

Dr. Manuel Alejandro Pérez


Thursday, March 24

10:15-11:15 a.m.

Ms. Kim Lopez



All of the virtual forums will be recorded and available for viewing after the live events have concluded. These recordings will be posted to each candidate’s biography webpage along with an online form where you can share your feedback. Your feedback will be confidential. An update will be provided in a later email after the recordings are posted. Full details on the presidential search, including the search committee members, search process and finalists can be found on the Presidential Search webpage.


March 23

APA Basics in 30 Minutes

9:30-10 a.m.
Registration Link: https://canadacollege.libcal.com/event/8847920

Need to use APA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30 minute workshop covering the basics for APA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your APA citations!


Sexual Assault Awareness

5:30 p.m.
Zoom Link: tinyurl.com/CAN22awareness

The Sexual Assault Awareness event is hosted by the Associated Students of Cañada College. Learn about consent, your rights and what support systems exist on campus.


Cañada College Speaker Series

5-6 p.m.
Zoom Link: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/82385096317 

Featured speaker is Michael Limm, Associate Biological Instructor, Cañada College.


March 24

Men’s Baseball vs West Valley College

2:30 p.m.
Cañada Baseball Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on West Valley College!


March 25

Women’s Tennis vs City College of San Francisco

2 p.m.
Cañada Tennis Courts

Cheer on the Colts as they take on City College of San Francisco!


March 26

Hands-On MLA Citation Help

11 a.m.- 12 p.m.
Zoom Registration: https://canadacollege.libcal.com/event/8848220

Have questions about your works cited, references, or in-text citations? Stop by to talk to a librarian about it.


March 27 - April 2

Spring Recess


March 29

Women’s Tennis vs West Valley College

2 p.m.
Cañada Tennis Courts

Cheer on the Colts as they take on West Valley College!


Men’s Baseball vs Cabrillo College

2:30 p.m.
Cañada Baseball Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Cabrillo College!


March 31

Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday – No Classes)


April 5

Men’s Baseball vs City College of San Francisco

2:30 p.m.
Cañada Baseball Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on City College of San Francisco!


Getting Started with Your Presentation

6-7 p.m.
Zoom Registration: https://canadacollege.libcal.com/event/8969026

Do you have a presentation coming up for an assignment? Join a librarian for an information session to learn the basics of creating a Google Slides presentation. Learn to create a simple presentation, how to format and edit the slides, how to work with text and images, and how to present a slideshow. This is an interactive session on creating and designing your presentations.


April 6

APA Basics in 30 Minutes

9:30-10 a.m.
Registration Link: https://canadacollege.libcal.com/event/8847924

Need to use APA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30 minute workshop covering the basics for APA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your APA citations!


TRIO SSS Presents: ‘Sup with Those Microaggressions???

12:30-1:30 p.m.
Registration Link: https://smccd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvceyvqD4oG9JmeHz7_WX8H8c9bfFW3RAX

You’ve probably heard the term – but do you know what it means? Learn what microaggressions are and what to do when you encounter them.


Writing Center Workshop: How to Use Quotations + Paraphrase

6-7 p.m.
Zoom Link: bit.ly/CCWCWs

Come see a Writing Coach in the Writing Center on Zoom Click here for the schedule.



For disability-related accommodations, please email: canvpss@smccd.edu or call (650) 306-3234.



For disability-related accommodations, please email: canvpss@smccd.edu or call (650) 306-3234.

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