Tuesday, October 26, 2021

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of October 25, 2021

Week of October 25, 2021


October is Transfer Month!

On Tuesdays in October, we invite faculty and staff to proudly wear their Alma Mater, or shirt from the university of their choice, to promote transfer options and share their experience at the university with students. For virtual learners, you may also use a background of your Alma Mater or university logo in the Zoom background and/or any other platforms that we meet with students virtually. For more information on Transfer Month, visit the Transfer Center website.


October 26

Transfer Day

11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Zoom Log In: Each university offers own Zoom room. A list of universities and their information will be available on October 22 at the Transfer Center webpage.

Students may register to receive a list of university participants earlier. This is an opportunity for students to connect and network with the university admission advisers. Students may drop-in to chat with the 65+ University representatives from in-state and out-of-state universities. Students will learn about the opportunities Universities offer, compare their offerings, and select the best choices for them. Students may also ask more specific questions about their progress toward their transfer to that institution.


Women’s Soccer vs Skyline College

4 p.m.
Colts Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Skyline College!


October 27


4:30-5:30 p.m.
Zoom Link: https://tinyurl.com/canundocuhealing

Join us in a creative and collaborative space as we discuss healing and create our own works of art. This event will center the voices and experiences of our undocumented community members, but all are welcome to join.


STEM Speaker Series: “A Lesson in Persistence”

5-6 p.m.
Zoom Link: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/82385096317 

The featured speaker is Kristi Longoria. Kristi’s path through STEM began at a local community college and transferred to SFSU as part of the College of Science and Engineering and graduated with a BS in Applied Mathematics with a concentration in Physics. It was hard, super hard. At times it was almost-didn’t-make-it, kind of hard. But what she took away from that was really wanting to work in Student Services to ensure that students like her, whether it was in STEM or not, understood that this path to and through college is not an easy one. In her current position, as SparkPoint Coordinator at Cañada College, Kristi helps students address some of the financial challenges and help set financial goals.


Writing Center Workshop: Thesis Statements and Essay Outlining

6-7 p.m.
Zoom Link: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/89059446400

In this Writing Center workshop, we will cover how to craft a powerful working thesis statement and how to begin outlining the essay. Bring your essay assignments!


October 28

Transfer options and Choosing a University

1-2 p.m.
Zoom Log In: https://smccd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpcemurzItEt1s3kj02NWEhJaqY-fQQHv6

This session will inform students to transfer options, the admission requirements and the important facts in choosing a university.


TRIO SSS - Study Skills, How to Improve Your Grades Workshop

1-1:45 p.m.
Zoom Link: https://tinyurl.com/TRIOSSSstudy

We are going to go over tips and tools on how to improve your grades and set you up for success at school.


October 29

Women’s Soccer vs West Valley College

4 p.m.
Colts Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on West Valley College!


Halloween Bash (In-person Event)

5-7 p.m.
The Grove

Hey Cañadians! Are you going to have an awesome costume for Halloween this year?! Join our costume Contest and win a special prize from ASCC!  This event will include activities and games, we hope students will see this as something to look forward to.


Star Party 2021 (In Person)

7-9 p.m.
Cañada Observatory, Building 24. Parking in Lots 8 & 10

Come see the planets and stars through our telescopes! Enjoy the music and costumes. In case of cloudy weather this event will be postponed to the following week.


October 30

MLA Basics in 30 Minutes

11- 11:30 a.m.
Zoom Registration Link: https://canadacollege.libcal.com/calendar/online-events

Need to use MLA for your research papers? Join the librarian for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for MLA in-text citations and works cited lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your MLA citations!


November 1

Dia de Los Muertos

5-6 p.m.
Zoom Link: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/86572398613?pwd=UzllOE5aNTZ1TGhiYUk2VkM3T1RTQT09

Join your Student Senate and share your ancestor’s story, learn about Dia de los Muertos, and make your own papel picado.


November 2

Fourth Annual (Virtual) President’s Luncheon

12-12:30 p.m.
Registration Link: canadacollege.edu/luncheon

Our President’s Luncheon is our annual fundraiser to raise funds that contribute to the Cañada College Scholarship Fund for students’ daily basic needs such as: groceries, food vouchers, Chromebooks and hot spots to name a few.


CSU Admission Application

1 – 2 p.m.
Zoom Log In: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/81497011731?pwd=ZmN5R1hjWjd4d3d0RFR0em40R1RKQT09

Students will learn about the CSU admissions policies and learn to complete the CSU application.


Men’s Soccer vs Monterey Peninsula College

3 p.m.
Colts Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Monterey Peninsula College.


November 3

Spring 2022 Priority Registration Begins


UC Admission Application

1 – 2 p.m.
Zoom Log In: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/81139947989?pwd=VWNqVmF2ZjJObkZMUDJFMlhlTklVUT09

Students will learn about the UC admissions policies, and learn to complete the UC application.


Drop-in MLA Citation Help

5-6 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link: https://canadacollege.libcal.com/calendar/online-events

Have questions about your works cited, references, or in-text citations? Stop by on Zoom to talk to a librarian about it.


November 4

Plagiarism: What it is and How to Avoid it

12-1 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link: https://canadacollege.libcal.com/calendar/online-events

Don't be the student whose paper is rejected because Turnitin says you plagiarized! Learn what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.


Map Your Journey to SF State

2-3 p.m.
Zoom Link: https://tinyurl.com/myj2sfstate

Learn about how to get into SF State and ask questions about admissions or developing an academic plan for transfer.


APA Basics in 30 minutes

6-6:30 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link: https://canadacollege.libcal.com/calendar/online-events

Need to use APA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for APA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your APA citations!


November 8

Good Source or Fake News?

10-11 a.m.
Zoom Registration Link: https://canadacollege.libcal.com/calendar/online-events

Not sure if your source is valid? Confused by fake news or disinformation on the internet? Worried that the websites you're using might not be good enough for your professor? Drop in and we'll go over what you've found! We can determine if what you have is good, and teach you how to confirm your sources in the future.


November 9

Men’s Soccer vs De Anza College

12:30 p.m.
Colts Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on De Anza College.


Women’s Soccer vs De Anza College

3 p.m.
Colts Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on De Anza College!



For disability-related accommodations, please email: canvpss@smccd.edu or call (650) 306-3234.


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