Tuesday, August 30, 2022

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of August 29, 2022

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Week of August 29, 2022


San Mateo County’s current Community Level is LOW, and face masks are strongly recommended but not required while indoors at any SMCCCD facility. As the San Mateo County Community Level changes, updated information will be provided to students, employees, and visitors. Masks are located at various locations throughout all buildings. To track the San Mateo County’s COVID Community Level, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.



Starting Fall 2022 undocumented students may qualify for the “6 or fewer units non-resident fee waiver” if they meet the eligibility criteria established by the San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD). Please feel free to direct students and requests to the Dream Center Team. The goal is for our Coordinators to case manage each student request for a waiver – to determine eligibility in as few steps as possible.



The Cañada College shuttle will run direct service Monday-Friday to/from Cañada and East Palo Alto beginning August 17, 2022 through December 16, 2022. Visit canadacollege.edu/shuttle for the latest schedule updates.



Due to the lack of demand for COVID-19 testing, COVID Clinic will cease testing operations at all three campuses as of Thursday, September 1, 2022. Individuals can still access COVID Clinic testing services within the San Mateo County community at the locations listed below: 

Cañada College – Testing available in Palo Alto, Mondays - Sundays, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

College of San Mateo – Testing available in San Mateo, Mondays - Fridays, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

Skyline College – Testing available in South San Francisco, Mondays - Saturdays, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. 

*Employees and students who have received an approved medical or sincerely held religious belief exemption will continue to receive testing services through the COVID-19 specialist at each campus.  



The Federal Government will end its free at-home COVID-19 test program this week. Individuals can still order free COVID-19 test kits until Thursday, September 1, 2022. To order your free COVID-19 tests, fill out the application linked here.   



Students are invited to participate in a survey to help us better understand our college plans and what we can do to support you. Take the CCC Statewide College Decisions Survey here by September 23, 2022: http://s.alchemer.com/s3/College-Attendance-Decision-Survey

By participating in the survey, you will have the opportunity to enter into a raffle for a chance to winone of ten $100 Amazon gift cards. Participation is voluntary and completely anonymous. At the end of the survey, you will have the option to share your student ID if you would like the college to reach out to you individually and to give us permission to link your responses to your other academic data.


Upcoming Events

August 30

Last Day to Drop Semester Length Classes with Eligibility for Partial Refund


Women’s Soccer vs Feather River College

11 a.m.
Colts Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on West Valley College!


August 31

Chancellor Search - Town Hall Meeting

1-1:45 p.m.
Zoom Link: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/85833022480

The Town Hall meeting will provide the college community with an opportunity to share input into the hiring of the next Chancellor. Your feedback is important in developing the position announcement. If you are not able to attend the Town Hall meeting, you have the opportunity to provide input by completing the Chancellor Search Feedback Form. This form is anonymous. Thank you for your participation as we search for our next Chancellor.


September 2

Women’s Soccer vs Santa Rosa Junior College

3:30 p.m.
Colts Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Santa Rosa Junior College!


September 3-5

Declared Recess for Labor Day (No Classes)


September 5

Last Day to Drop Semester Length Classes Without Appearing on Record


September 6

Census Day


September 7

Writing Center Workshop: Getting Started with Writing Assignments

Zoom Link: bit.ly/CCWCWs

Learn helpful tips on writing assignments! Workshop is hosted by Maureen Wiley and Vince Fitzgerald.


September 9

Women’s Soccer vs Los Medanos College

4 p.m.
Colts Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Los Medanos College!


September 12

Map Your Pathway to San Francisco State

4-5 p.m.
Zoom Registration: https://events.canadacollege.edu/event/11948-map-your-pathway-to-sf-state

Learn about how to get to San Francisco State, ask questions you have about admissions, and developing an academic plan for transfer. We will be joined by Joseph D. Montoya, an Undergraduate Recruitment Specialist at SF State, and Gloria Darafshi, an Academic Counselor at Cañada College.


September 14

Human Behavior and Culture Transfer Success Workshop

1-2 p.m.
Event Information: https://events.canadacollege.edu/event/11401-human-behavior-and-culture-transfer-success

This workshop for HBC Students (and Faculty) will cover the following topics:

  • How can I maximize my HBC Pathways experience to successfully achieve my transfer goals?
  • What are the transfer steps I need to take each semester to be successful?
  • Where is my major offered within the 4-year University?
  • How can my counselor help me?
  • How can faculty help me?
  • How can I use my Program Mapper?


Cañada College Library Presents: What Students Should Know Before Enlisting in the U.S. Armed Forces

5 - 6 p.m.
Building 9, Room 300 (Library Silent Study Room)

The Cañada College Library presents Truth in Recruitment, where members of Before Enlisting will share vital facts and perspectives that young people should consider before joining the military.


For a complete listing of events, visit: https://events.canadacollege.edu/



For disability-related accommodations, please email: canvpss@smccd.edu or call (650) 306-3234.

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