Tuesday, November 8, 2022

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of November 7, 2022

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Week of November 7, 2022


Friday, November 11, is Veterans Day, and SMCCCD and Cañada College will be closed in observance of this holiday.


You can get a free COVID-19 Bivalent Booster at our pop-up vaccination clinics at Cañada College and College of San Mateo through November 23. Employees, students, and the broader community can sign up for free at  MyTurn or visit the District’s COVID-19 Vaccination Resources page for more information.

Vaccination Clinic at Cañada College
Wednesday, November 9
Noon – 4 pm
Parking Lot 7

Vaccination Clinic at College of San Mateo
Wednesday, November 23
Noon – 4 pm
Parking Lot B 

Follow all the latest info at our Return to Campus site.



The Spring 2023 schedule of courses has been posted on WebSchedule. Priority registration started on Wednesday, November 2.



Do you wish you could change the way Cañada College communicates with you? Now is the time to share your input! Let us know what YOU want (and need!) Fill out our Media Preferences Survey by November 11. As a thank you, you can enter to win a $50 gift card at the end of the survey!



The Cañada College shuttle will run direct service Monday-Friday to/from Cañada and East Palo Alto beginning August 17, 2022, through December 16, 2022. Visit canadacollege.edu/shuttle for the latest schedule updates.


Upcoming Events

Every Tuesday

Free Groceries at Cañada College – Weekly Food Distribution

11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Parking Lot 6

In partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank, Cañada College hosts a FREE Grocery Distribution in Lot 6 every Tuesday from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. The program is open to students and the community to select the food that they want.


November 8

Women’s Soccer vs City College of San Francisco

3 p.m.
Colts Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on City College of San Francisco!


November 9

Fall Health & Wellness Fair

10 a.m. -1 p.m.
The Grove (Building 5)

Attend the Health & Wellness Fair for free food, flu shots plus mental and physical related resources. The event is sponsored by the Health Center, Personal Counseling Center, and DRC.


November 11

Declared Recess for Veteran’s Day (No Classes)


Women’s Soccer vs Evergreen Valley College

3 p.m.
Colts Soccer Field

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Evergreen Valley College!


November 14

Drop-In Citation Help

5-7 p.m.
Zoom Registration: https://canadacollege.libcal.com/event/9703949

Would you like a librarian to look over your Works Cited or Reference pages before you turn in your paper? No appointment needed and I can help with any citation style.


November 15

Last Day to Withdraw from Semester Length Classes


Next Level Self Care

2-3 p.m.
Zoom Registration: https://smccd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAofuytpzMrHdSlQXH2IgGhuzf_FUCXznbU

When we say self-care, most people think of relaxing with some good music, vacations, and an all-important spa day. Self-care is all of that, but it is so much more. Let’s take our self-care “Next Level” with real conversations about mental health, addressing systemic oppressions, and finding your community of care.


Finding Peace Within

3:15-4:30 p.m.
Zoom Registration: https://smccd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErdeGtqj0vHNe-HjukgJS36xYP4kmo8zsm

The Personal Counseling Center & Active Minds will also be presenting a workshop on November 15. The workshops will discuss how to design self-care routines and techniques to manage our stress to support our overall well-being.


November 16

Open Class Registration Begins


Easy Citations with MyBib

12-12:30 p.m.
Building 9, Room 312, and via Zoom: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/84301563425

If you have a research paper or project this workshop will save you time and possibly money! Did you know you can cite almost anything in any citation style easily and for free? The Librarian will show you how to use MyBib to organize citations, create Works Cited/References, and correctly format in-text citations.


MLA Basics

1-1:30 p.m.
Building 9, Room 312, and via Zoom: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/81003222870

Need to use MLA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for MLA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your MLA!


APA Basics

2-2:30 p.m.
Building 9, Room 312, and via Zoom: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/85957410893

Need to use APA for your papers and research projects? Join me for this 30-minute workshop covering the basics for APA in-text citations and reference lists. Leave with tips, tricks, and tools that will help you nail your APA!


Men’s Basketball vs Hartnell College

5 p.m.
Colts Gym in Building 1

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Hartnell College!


November 17

Teatime with TRIO

1-2 p.m.
Building 9, Room 257A

Teatime is a bi-monthly informal drop-in event TRIO SSS hosts for all Cañadians! Stop by to answer your questions and learn how to navigate college with some refreshments!



5:30-6:30 p.m.
Zoom Registration: https://smccd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrfumgqzoiG9yC6YLYP3BGkhCgYw9zq3G8

Do you have questions about American Sign Language (ASL)? Are you curious about Deaf Culture? This Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session will address those concerns! The students of ENGL/LING 200, Introduction to Linguistics, have a number of questions about American Sign Language, primary sign languages in general, and Deaf Culture, so we have invited Ms. Leiana Payawal to talk to us about these topics.


November 19

Google Slides: Getting Started with Your Presentation

12-1 p.m.
Building 9, Room 312

Do you have a presentation coming up for an assignment? Join a librarian for an information session to learn the basics of creating a Google Slides presentation. Learn to create a simple presentation, how to format and edit the slides, how to work with text and images, and how to present a slideshow. This is an interactive session on creating and designing your presentations.


November 22

Men’s Basketball vs Cosumes River College

6 p.m.
Colts Gym in Building 1

Cheer on the Colts as they take on Cosumes River College!


November 24-27

Declared Recess for Thanksgiving (No Classes)


For a complete listing of events, visit: https://events.canadacollege.edu/

For disability-related accommodations, please email: canvpss@smccd.edu or call (650) 306-3234.

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Dear Cañada Community, As we approach Ramadan, the Office of Equity and Cultural Center have prepared a series of best practices for you to ...