Monday, October 15, 2012

Earthquake Drill on Thursday, Oct. 18

Cañada College will participate in a statewide earthquake drill on Thursday, Oct. 18 at 10:18 am and again at 7:18 pm.

Millions of Californians will “Drop, Cover and Hold On” as part of the Great California ShakeOut – the largest earthquake drill in the country.

Here is what we need you to do for the drill:

  • Prior to the drill, please review the evacuation map in your classroom. In addition, please review this link for additional information about the ShakeOut.
  • At 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. all faculty, staff and students will be reminded of the drill time through an AlertU text message (for all registered cell phones).  You can sign up for AlertU text messages at
  • At 10:18 a.m. and 7:18 p.m. the Emergency Announcement System will be activated with an announcement “Drop, Cover and Hold On” for one minute. Stay calm and follow instructions. If for some reason, you do not hear the announcement, proceed to “Drop, Cover and Hold On” for one minute.
  • While down on the floor, look around at what would be falling in a real earthquake.
  • After one minute, scan for anyone who needs assistance. 
  • Evacuate your class to your evacuation zone and make certain the room is empty. Building monitors will assist in evacuating the building.  Evacuation maps are located in classrooms on the red 911 Zone posters.  Please be quiet as you exit buildings and gather in the evacuation zones so you can hear instructions.    
  • Once everyone is out of the buildings and in the evacuation zones, the Emergency Announcement System will announce an “all clear” message. You may then return to you classrooms.

 Major earthquakes may happen anywhere in California and the ShakeOut is a chance to be more prepared.  For more information, here are some websites you might find useful:

Why Drop, Cover, and Hold On?


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