Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Free Tax and Accounting Workshop for Small Business Owners and the Self-Employed

The Cañada College Center for Entrepreneurial Opportunities is teaming up with Housing and Economic Rights Advocates (HERA) and the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center to offer a free tax and accounting workshop for small business owners and the self-employed.

The workshop will be held Saturday, Nov. 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Renaissance Mid-Peninsula, 1848 Bay Road, East Palo Alto. Registration is available online or by calling (650) 321-1102 Ext. 1102 or by emailing trussell@rencenter.org.

The featured speaker at the workshop will be Arnold Pinck, retired enrolled agent and counselor for SCORE, an organization dedicated to helping small businesses grow. Participants will learn:

  • Accounting Principles
  • Tax Record Keeping
  • Business Deductions
  • Employee/Independent Contractor Files
  • And more...
The Center for Entrepreneurial Opportunities (CEO) helps small business owners and budding entrepreneurs develop their ideas. The CEO offers courses and workshops to fit the unique needs of small businesses. CEO services include affordable web-based tools to evaluate business ideas, write business plans, conduct market research, test markets through surveys, learn accounting and bookkeeping, website development and more.

Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center is a nonprofit small business development organization dedicated to helping women and men to traditionally lack access to resources and information to achieve financial self-sufficiency through entrepreneurship. Renaissance provides training, support services, resources, and networks for business owners at every stage of business development, from idea feasibility through start-up, growth, and expansion.

HERA is a California statewide, not-for-profit legal service and advocacy organization. It's mission is to ensure that all people are protected from discrimination and economic abuses.

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