Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Donations Needed for Cañada College Jacket & Toy Drive

Cañada College has launched its fourth annual Jacket & Toy Drive! The donations for this year’s drive will be benefit families in Redwood City.

Last year’s Jacket & Toy Drive generated more than 300 donation items for hundreds of families and we are looking to grow the number of donations this year!

What we need:

New, unused, unwrapped:
·         Toys, preferably gender neutral (science sets, sport equipment, board games, etc.)  
·         Jackets in all children’s sizes

How you can help:

Drop off donations at any of the following locations by Thursday, December 13:

On Campus:

·         Building 8 (first floor)
·         Office of Student Life & Leadership Development – Building 5, Room 354
·         Learning Center – Building 9, Second Floor
·         Library – Building 9, Third floor

For questions, please contact Mayra Arellano at arellanom@smccd.edu or x3166. Thank you, in advance, for your support in this year’s Jacket & Toy Drive!

What's Happening at Cañada: Week of November 26, 2018

Week of November 26, 2018

Donations Needed for the College Jacket & Toy Drive
Cañada College has launched its fourth annual Jacket & Toy Drive! The donations for this year’s drive will be benefit families in Redwood City.

What We Need
New, unused, unwrapped:
·       Toys, preferably gender neutral (science sets, sport equipment, board games, etc.)  
·       Jackets in all children’s sizes

How You Can Help
Drop off donations at any of the following locations by Thursday, December 13:
·       Building 8 (first floor)
·       Office of Student Life & Leadership Development – Building 5, Room 354
·       Library – Building 9, Third floor
·       Learning Center Building 9, Second floor
·       Welcome Center - Building 9, First floor

For questions, please contact Mayra Arellano at arellanom@smccd.edu or (650) 306-3166.

November 27

Global Internships and Study Abroad Informational Drop-in Hours

11 a.m. -1 p.m.
The Grove

Drop by the SMCCCD Global Internships and Study Abroad table in the Grove to learn more about opportunities and scholarships to intern and study around the world! For more information, visit www.smccd.edu/studyabroad or email studyabroad@smccd.edu

November 28 - 30

Transfer Center Open House: CSU & UC Applications Personal Insight Question Review

10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. – November 28 & 29
10 a.m. - 12 p.m. – November 30
Transfer Center (Building 9, First Floor)

Review your personal insight questions, supplemental applications and get assistance on admission application for private and out-of-state universities.

November 30

Hackathon – Make the World Better with Video Games

3-8 p.m.
Building 9, Room 206

No experience necessary!   Come learn how to make video games, how video games can be designed to help make the world better.   Bring a friend - all majors welcome.

December 3

University Representative Visit: Menlo College

10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
The Grove

Come meet representatives from Menlo College.

December 4

University Representative Visit: Notre Dame de Namur University

10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
The Grove

Come meet representatives from Notre Dame de Namur University.

50th Anniversary Showcase

2:30-6 p.m.
Flex Theatre

Come showcase your talents! Bring a small item to add to the time capsule. Gourmet desserts will be served.

Campus-wide Holiday Open House

11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 4-6 p.m.
Building 8, Room 207

The entire campus community is invited to President Moore’s office to mix and mingle over light refreshments and holiday merriment! Donations will also be collected for the College’s Jacket & Toy Drive

December 5

Global Internships and Study Abroad Informational Drop-in Hours

11 a.m. -1 p.m.
The Grove

Drop by the SMCCCD Global Internships and Study Abroad table in the Grove to learn more about opportunities and scholarships to intern and study around the world! For more information, visit www.smccd.edu/studyabroad or email studyabroad@smccd.edu

University Representative Visit: Cal State East Bay

11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Transfer Center (Building 9, First floor)

Come meet representatives from Cal State East Bay.

December 5-9

Red, White and True

December 5 at 12:45 p.m. (Donation Only)
December 6 at 12:45 p.m. (Donation Only)
December 8 at 8 p.m. ($5 students, $10 Seniors, $15 General Admission)
December 9 at 2 p.m. ($5 students, $10 Seniors, $15 General Admission)

Flex Theatre (Building 3, Room 129)

The Cañada College Theatre Arts Department presents, “Red White and True,” original monologues written and performed by students and directed by Rick Najera.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Classes Canceled at 4 p.m. 11/19 Until Monday, Nov. 26 Due to Poor Air Quality

Dear Campus Community,

Over the last few days, we experienced a slight improvement in the local air quality which made us hopeful that today’s air quality would be better.  Earlier this morning, the air quality index appeared more promising, but as we have been monitoring throughout the day, it is clear that the air quality has worsened throughout the Bay Area.  While relief may come if the region receives anticipated precipitation, this isn’t expected until mid-week.

Due to the continued unhealthy air quality and projections that conditions will not significantly improve in the near future, all classes at Cañada College, College of San Mateo and Skyline College that are scheduled to begin after 4 p.m. today are canceled.  Additionally, all classes are cancelled on Tuesday, November 20, and Wednesday, November 21, along with the pre-scheduled holiday break on Thursday and Friday.  In addition to cancelled classes, campus offices will be closed.  Students and employees should not report to campus during this time period. 

We fully expect all classes and campus business operations to resume on Monday, November 26.

This decision was made by the three college presidents in consultation with Chancellor Galatolo.  The health and safety of students, faculty and staff are our first priority.

We strongly encourage everyone to track the air quality readings and follow these recommended precautions:
·         Minimize outdoor activity and stay inside whenever possible
·         Keep all windows, doors and vents shut
·         If you exercise, only do so indoors

For further air quality information: 

Please continue your thoughts for those who have been affected by the fires throughout the state. 

Thank you!
Jamillah Moore, Ed.D.

Best Practices and Resources in Support of our Muslim Students and Colleagues

Dear Cañada Community, As we approach Ramadan, the Office of Equity and Cultural Center have prepared a series of best practices for you to ...